Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay on Compare Mill and Kant’s Ethics - 862 Words
Kant’s Ethics may best apply to modern business. Kant said right action based on a set of moral rules, and the right action is supposed to be the one that conforms with these rules, whereas certain other types of action are morally forbidden. He also suggests that people should be treated with respect and as ends in their own right, not solely as means to others ends. On the contrary, Mill’s ethics only concern about the happiness of majority instead of duty itself. Thus, the question how could Kant’s â€Å"austere†system do better for business needs than Mill’s flexible business ethics. I would say that although Mill’s Ethic is a functional system of moral analysis, but the decision is easily changeable when the consequence change and in†¦show more content†¦However, a Kantian doctor will say that is immoral and he should tell the truth about the person’s diagnosis. It is the duty of the doctor to be honest to his/her patien ts. Also, we should respect a patient’s own right to decide for his/her life. We cannot use the patient as mean to achieve other ends which is the greatest happiness of the people involved. One may argue that utilitarian consider long term consequences if doctor lie. Although this is true, we must not forget sometime long term consequence is not uncovered. When long term consequences are not known, we cannot make a moral decision, where as Kant’s approach concern about the duty of doctor instead of outcome of the action. Another scenario, suppose a doctor sees the test data showing that the person has a disease that is curable and have survive rate of greater than fifty percent. What will the doctor do? A utilitarian doctor will say telling the truth there will be a great deal of pleasure to all. The person will be happy, their family will be happy, the doctor will be happy in informing the ill person that there is treatment to alter his/her condition. So the ethical s olution will be to tell the truth, which is different from the first scenario. The Kantian doctor would make the same decision as the decision he made in the first scenario, no matter how the outcome changes. The two cases show that, although the doctors using different ethical approach, they may end up making the sameShow MoreRelatedPsychological and Ethical Egoism, Mill vs Kant, and Ethical Relativism904 Words  | 4 PagesTopic 1 Distinguish between psychological and ethical egoism and subject each to critical scrutiny in detail. Compare and contrast ethical egoism with virtue theory. Egoism is a view that states that what a person wants is somewhat relevant to what humans actually do. There is two main types of egoism: psychological and ethical. These two views are very similar; because of this they can easily be interchanged. It is important to be able to recognize the dissimilarity of these two views. 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