Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay on Compare Mill and Kant’s Ethics - 862 Words
Kant’s Ethics may best apply to modern business. Kant said right action based on a set of moral rules, and the right action is supposed to be the one that conforms with these rules, whereas certain other types of action are morally forbidden. He also suggests that people should be treated with respect and as ends in their own right, not solely as means to others ends. On the contrary, Mill’s ethics only concern about the happiness of majority instead of duty itself. Thus, the question how could Kant’s â€Å"austere†system do better for business needs than Mill’s flexible business ethics. I would say that although Mill’s Ethic is a functional system of moral analysis, but the decision is easily changeable when the consequence change and in†¦show more content†¦However, a Kantian doctor will say that is immoral and he should tell the truth about the person’s diagnosis. It is the duty of the doctor to be honest to his/her patien ts. Also, we should respect a patient’s own right to decide for his/her life. We cannot use the patient as mean to achieve other ends which is the greatest happiness of the people involved. One may argue that utilitarian consider long term consequences if doctor lie. Although this is true, we must not forget sometime long term consequence is not uncovered. When long term consequences are not known, we cannot make a moral decision, where as Kant’s approach concern about the duty of doctor instead of outcome of the action. Another scenario, suppose a doctor sees the test data showing that the person has a disease that is curable and have survive rate of greater than fifty percent. What will the doctor do? A utilitarian doctor will say telling the truth there will be a great deal of pleasure to all. The person will be happy, their family will be happy, the doctor will be happy in informing the ill person that there is treatment to alter his/her condition. So the ethical s olution will be to tell the truth, which is different from the first scenario. The Kantian doctor would make the same decision as the decision he made in the first scenario, no matter how the outcome changes. The two cases show that, although the doctors using different ethical approach, they may end up making the sameShow MoreRelatedPsychological and Ethical Egoism, Mill vs Kant, and Ethical Relativism904 Words  | 4 PagesTopic 1 Distinguish between psychological and ethical egoism and subject each to critical scrutiny in detail. Compare and contrast ethical egoism with virtue theory. Egoism is a view that states that what a person wants is somewhat relevant to what humans actually do. There is two main types of egoism: psychological and ethical. These two views are very similar; because of this they can easily be interchanged. It is important to be able to recognize the dissimilarity of these two views. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Encourage Foreigners to Invest in Philippine Real Estate Market Free Essays
Topic: Encourage Foreigners to Invest in Philippine Real Estate Market Real estate business is a very lucrative and capital intensive venture. It is not for just any one, but only for those who have financial capacity and willingness to buy real properties. Real property may come in the form of buy and sell, or merely renting and make money out of it. We will write a custom essay sample on Encourage Foreigners to Invest in Philippine Real Estate Market or any similar topic only for you Order Now Known as one of the most vibrant real estate markets in Asia, the Philippines growing economy consistently sustained its growth despite the global economic recession. The country’s real estate industry has been receiving positive remarks from various analysts across the globe. The reflection of its success, mainly rooted to the country’s excellent financing services, good capitalization and pro-business climate drives every real estate investors to provide the best real estate solutions for needs of the market. The real estate industry has been increasing year on year and this is characterized by the dynamic growth and upsurge of condominium development across Metro Manila. This growth is fuelled by the increasing overseas Filipino workers remittances as well as new investors who take advantage of the benefits of the low interest rates in the housing market. The influx of condominium development across Metro Manila also validates the soaring demand for residential options, which is between renting an apartment and owning a home in the city. Various innovative unit designs and concepts are being offered in the market to suit current trends in housing and lifestyle preferences of today’s market. This increasing realtors’ confidence to Philippine real estate industry is brought by the improving economy, implementation of good governance among private and public sectors, and the reform inspired government of the new administration. Presently, the real estate market is banking on two major components: (1) remittances of overseas Filipino workers and (2) continuous growth demand by the expanding business process outsourcing industry in the country. Aside from having an investment that never depreciate, investing in real estate in the Philippines would give foreigners additional investment portfolio in a much lower cost compared if they invest it in their own land. The cost of living in the Philippines is relatively lower compared to other nations, and therefore, foreigners can have more value for their money, which in turn increases their investment opportunities. That would be considered â€Å"hitting two birds with one stone†. The economic outlook on the Philippine real estate market is seen to be growing, and it will continue to grow in the next five to ten years brought by the ensuing business process outsourcing industry. BPO is becoming one of the primary sources of income of the young working population in the country today. Owning/Investing Options for Foreigners Any foreigner can lease, buy and own with 100% ownership rights on condominium units only. As far as the law is concerned, every piece of land of the Philippines is for the Filipino only. For investment purposes, foreigners may also lease or buy building offices for business purposes, like those being rented out to others. In as much as there are limitations being followed by foreigners when investing the Philippine real estate market, there are also ways on how they can easily own one. (1) Lease a property – foreigners can lease a property from short to long-term as long as both parties to contract mutually agree. Leased properties may be subleased to other tenants. This form of business operation may be considered as legal operation and foreigners can take advantage of. (2) Be married to a Philippine citizen – once a foreigner is married to a Philippine citizen, the rights to own a land becomes a conjugal. It may seem to be the fastest and least cost among other options. (3) Inherit the property from a deceased Philippine spouse – once married, but suddenly the Philippine citizen spouse died. In this situation, the foreigner spouse together with the other surviving heirs; will be the immediate heir and owner of the property left behind. 4) Purchase land as Balikbayan – some Filipinos who have stayed abroad and eventually availed of another citizenship, may still buy and own properties. It is also possible to own property if the parents or relatives wanted to transfer their property ownership to a Balikbayan. (5) Buy condominium units – foreigners can buy condominium units, in the same way as a Philippine citizen acqu ires condominium unit. Some foreigners can also do trading of condominium units. They can do buy and sell business operation, wherein they will buy a barely finished unit, dress it up and fill with furnitures, and sell at a premium or lease it out. 6) Form a corporation – this option opens the opportunity for foreigners to invest in land, but, it is a must, that the corporation be composed of at least 60% Filipino and only 40% for foreigners. The majority stakeholder should still be Filipinos. After enumerating the ways on how foreigners can invest in the Philippine real estate market, it is imperative for them to know the basic information and obligations when investing in real property. First thing is the preparation for tax obligations. Non-resident foreigners who acquire property may be assessed with 5% – 32% of taxes, depending on the nature of the transaction. Another consideration is the documentary requirements necessary for the processing of transferring of ownership to a foreign national. There are documents that need to be authenticated by the Philippine Consulate from their country. Overview of the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) The efforts of passing the REIT Law will open another medium for foreigners’ opportunity to invest in the Philippine real estate market. REIT is defined as a corporation engaged in business whose income will be generated from owning or managing real estate. Through this REIT, the country will be given a better and bigger opportunity to join the global market of real estate investment markets, and foreigners can take their part in. Since it is not yet passed as law, the regulations, rules and limitations are still unknown. Another positive contributor to success of the real estate sector is the proliferation of establishment of special economic zones across the country. The government provides incentives to companies who patronize economic zones, and this attracts more foreign corporate clients and brings their business process outsourcing facilities here. How to cite Encourage Foreigners to Invest in Philippine Real Estate Market, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Dress free essay sample
â€Å"The Dress†is a short story about a dysfunctional family, consisting of two sisters, Flora and Rachel, and their mother. Flora has stolen Rachel’s dress, spilled a drink upon it and afterwards buried it in the garden. The conflict erupts during their mother’s birthday meal at a restaurant. Once at home again from the restaurant the crisis results in both girls leaving the house – leaving their mother behind, alone, with a glass of wine. The setting of the story is not distinctly described as it is not crucial for the understanding of the story. The story only features three characters: Flora, Rachel and their mother. Rachel comes across as the bigger sister, frustrated with Flora’s carelessness. Her rage against Flora for stealing the dress is unusual keen, concerning the fact that it is only a dress – â€Å"only a scrap of material†, as Flora at some point exclaims. As a reader you immediately get a sense of a smouldering danger just beneath the surface. We will write a custom essay sample on The Dress or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Something undefined, yet ominous. Flora is obviously conscious that what she is doing is wrong. But while she understands that her sister will not be pleased with her stealing the dress, she could not possibly imagine the hatred it would release. Flora is ignorant and careless, but she is only immature – not vicious. Their mother is a bereavement counsellor, but despite this she is unable to deal with the daughters constant intrigues. When she is at home she has a need to distance herself from her professional work, and therefore she only wishes to be in a loving and caring environment. This results in a neglection of her daughters, which has obviously had an effect on the two sisters. Rachel depresses her feelings, and is unable to handle them: â€Å".. Rachel knew that she would have to be pleasant, to forget about her stolen dress, wear something else, and smile. †, and Flora is desperately trying to get her mother’s attention. The mother feels unsafe about facing serious problems in real life: â€Å"She (the mother) liked emotions to be explored in safe rooms, with a clock. †She is rather ignorant about the serious crisis between her daughters, and would like them to make an effort to behave nicely, and hide away their problems. The relationship between the two sisters is tensed. Flora is dangerously jealous of Rachel, and secretly wishes to be just like her: tall, brave and clever. The dress represents everything that Flora wants to be – and everything that Rachel is. But the other way around Rachel seems to feel jealousy towards Flora too. When she realises her dress has gone, and she imagines how Flora would be sitting at a cafe wearing it, Flora is described rather incredible. As if Rachel’s perception of Flora is that she is superior. Rachel may be feeling overlooked and deprived of motherly care, as her sister desperately craves their mother’s attention. This naturally generates a fierce hate against whoever, in this case Flora, gets the attention she is deprived from. This may explain why Rachel reacts unexpectedly intense in the matter of the stolen dress. To her it is not just the dress – it is Flora steeling the attention and loving care that she, Rachel, was meant to have. The mood in this short story is the feeling of a great danger just underneath the surface. Something that is much more frightening than the superficial crisis in the mutual relations. It makes you feel like you are apathetically awaiting something unpredictable, yet inevitable. The whole story seems to me like an allegory. Nothing seems right, just as if the story is a transparent layer, covering up the real story. The dress in this story is the main symbol. It plays a central role in the relationship between the two. Between the sisters the dress is a symbol of the differences between them and the jealousy. Flora is trying to â€Å"steel†the identity of her sister Rachel. Flora is insecure, and feels like she deserves the dress (Rachel’s qualities) more. This frustrates Rachel for if Flora becomes Rachel, then who is Rachel? When flora buries the dress in the garden, it becomes a symbol of neglection of the jealousy, and her failed attempt of becoming like Rachel. The language is down to earth and everyday like. The sentences vary from very short, definite, ones when describing actions, to longer descriptive ones when describing surroundings. It creates a perception of a dull and ordinary life. The main themes are jealousy and neglection the jealousy that Flora feels for Rachel, and their mother’s neglection of them, and their emotions. The short story is about a mother’s inability to cope with the crisis between her daughters, despite the fact that she is actually a bereavement counsellor. Maybe there is a connection between the mother’s profession, and Flora’s act of burying the dress, which is rather ironic.
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