Friday, May 22, 2020
The Meditations On First Philosophy - 1486 Words
The Meditations on First Philosophy gives us with an assumed evidence for the existence of God those progresses from the existence of an idea of an unlimited existence in the human mindâ€â€an idea of Godâ€â€to the being of God himself. Insofar as we have an idea of an unlimited existence, an idea with â€Å"infinite independent reality†, we can reasonably ask when it arrived to us. The only thinkable reason of this impression, prerogatives Descartes, is an countless existence, explicitly, God. The manifestation of correct this knowledge in the proof is crucial. In element, Descartes continues that any such fundamental proof for God’s existence fatefully trusts on this performs to myself that all these proofs originated on his exceptional belongings are reducible to a single one; and also that they are incomplete if we do not add to them the impression which we must of God There is a inclination to apprehend Descartes as in consequence pretentious the meditator (the narrator of the Meditations) is allowed at the outset of the proof to the foundation that he has the obligatory idea. As Bernard Williams says in his seminal study, Descartes proves God’s existence from the. Idea of God, the existence of which in his perspective needs no proof Alternatively, Descartes (and the meditator) is occasionally said to trust on the get of self-examination and the translucence of believed: to intelligence, the necessary idea of God is there, only waiting to be noticed. Either way, bookloversShow MoreRelatedDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy807 Words  | 4 PagesConner Ruhl Professor Copley Philosophy 1000C 4 May 2015 Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy Rene Descartes was the first great philosopher of the modern era, He had a new approach which was focused on scientific and mathematical truths. Descartes came to reject the scholastic tradition, one of which he was educated, due to his pursuit of mathematical and scientific truth. Much of Descartes work was done to secure advancement of human knowledge through the use of the natural sciencesRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1079 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes argues for the ideas and philosophical beliefs behind skepticism. In his writings, he describes the fallibility and importance of the body of man and through extension the senses with which we observe the world. This paper will first show that within Descartes’ writings the body is an extension of the mind. Secondly, this paper will prove that the senses are a false form of understanding which leads to the deception of the mind. FinallyR ead MoreMeditation on First Philosophy Essay2565 Words  | 11 PagesFirst Essay Assignment Question: Meditation on First Philosophy It can be seen that Descartes Meditations on first philosophy raised a lot of questions regarding the existence and nature of the self, the existence of God, the nature of truth and the possibility of error, and finally also the essence and existence of bodies along other things. Descartes did all this through the medium of his six meditations. Descartes from his very first Meditation, that of concerning things that can be calledRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1536 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"What therefore did I formerly think I was? A man, of course. But what is a man?†(Descartes 340). This question that Descartes addresses in Meditations on First Philosophy is important because it outlines his core philosophical view in his work. His philosophy primarily focuses on dualism, which is the concept that there is another world that exists with ideal forms and is separate from the world of perception. The part of dualism that Descartes focuses his work on is the distinction between theRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1080 Words  | 5 PagesDescartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, God is not mentioned until the third meditation. Descartes point of view on God simply claims his existence through the act of being. According to his claim, God must, essentially, exist as w ell as being an outcome of His own creation. Descartes was greatly interested in the idea that God’s being promoted an external force that controlled all beings that supported his presence. Descartes declarations, presented in his Meditations on First Philosophy, wereRead MoreDescartes Meditations Of First Philosophy857 Words  | 4 PagesChristopher Joao Philosophy- 201 Mr. Jurkiewicz 4 March 2016 Descartes’ - Meditation #2 Rene Descartes was a French philosopher born in 1596. He is considered by many the father of modern philosophy and continues to have tremendous influence in the philosophical world to this day. The book, Meditations of First Philosophy, consist of six meditations and describes one meditation per day for six days. In meditation two, he claims that we have better knowledge of our own minds than of the physicalRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1318 Words  | 6 PagesQuestions November 2, 2017 Cogito Ergo Sum Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy and his questioning of our existence in reality is a question which philosophers have tackled throughout time. Cogito ergo sum or I think therefore I am, a phrase brought about by Descartes is the backbone of his whole philosophy of our existence in reality. As long as we are thinking things, we exist. When we look at this approach to our existence we must first deny that any sensory data that we receive is believableRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1712 Words  | 7 PagesDescartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) contains six Meditations. In the first two of these Descartes addresses doubt and certainty. By the end of the second Meditation Descartes establishes the possibility of certainty by concluding that he is a â€Å"thinking thing†and that this is beyond doubt. Having established the possibility of certainty, Descartes attempts to prove the existence of God. The argument he presents in the Th ird Meditation for the existence of God has been nicknamed theRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1264 Words  | 6 PagesDescartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy is a first-person record of Descartes’ descent into the bowels of disbelief, in order to eradicate all flawed belief from his life. In his first meditation, Descartes explains his argument for universal doubt, which leads him to doubt every truth he has ever established. Even the veracity of his sense perception is doubtful, as he renders those perceptions useless by arguing that in dreams, sense perceptions create the wildest of fantasies that cannot beRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1961 Words  | 8 PagesIn Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, I will be considering if Descartes resolution to the â€Å"dreaming argument†seems acceptable to trust. The First Meditation is where the â€Å"dreaming argument†is first mentioned and then gets resolved later in the Sixth Meditation and the Objections and Replies. I will be touching on the idea that our experiences could be dreaming experiences based on personal experiences and thoughts I have had regarding this topic. Then I will go on to explain how it is
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Taking a Look at Poaching - 796 Words
Poaching Poaching is the illegal hunting of any protected animal for personal gain. Poaching has been acknowledged for over one thousand years. Originally they were raiders that attacked livestock for survival. Modern poachers are well equipped and hunt to sell their body parts for large sums of money from international collectors. The poachers themselves are often very poor and work in gangs. OneGreenPlanet writes, â€Å"The Sumatran Tiger is a critically endangered species right now. It is poached and sold for its parts (skin, teeth, bones, and claws) which sell for up to $5,000. Poaching is more lucrative than other jobs that are available in the region; a harsh reality faced by many individuals and communities.†Many who revert to poaching, especially in poor areas, revert to it out of necessity. Sharks are tricked to vessels and got on a snare that pulls them on board. Their dorsal balances are cut off and their bodies tossed go into the sea. Without blades they cant swim and will pass on. The unlawfully acquired blades are utilized to make shark blade soup, a delicacy in Asia. Tigers are butchered for their striped hide, elephants are executed for their ivory tusks and rhinos their substantial horn. The groups of the creatures are left to decay. This is an occurrence that happens all over the world, but few governments can deal with the problem in an orderly and efficient manner. Poaching has become a worldwide market and individuals make millions off of hunting theseShow MoreRelatedPoaching Problem1738 Words  | 7 PagesDid you know that poaching has led to most animal extinctions this century? Poaching is a continuously growing problem that will cause many problems to the environment and people. Poaching can be defined as the illegal hunting of animals on land that is not the hunters own. Poaching does not only happen in unprotected lands such as the wilderness, but it has also happened in protected lands such as zoos. Animals may soon become extinct because of the high rate of killing the poachers are doing. IfRead MoreCause Of Poverty In Africa976 Words  | 4 Pagesof people are being affected by this. This can cause terrible suffering and possibly even death. Poverty is the biggest problem because it leads to poaching, piracy, and the issue with child laboring and trafficking. Poaching is one of the leading effects of the poverty in Africa. There are many poachers who are seeking money, but the only way they look at finding it is through killing wildlife. They are illegally killing animals, especially elephants, and ivory. Many countries, usually of Asian originRead MoreThe Netflix Act Ethically On Poaching The Two Fox Executives?1411 Words  | 6 PagesShort Report Did Netflix Act Ethically In Poaching The Two Fox Executives? Ethics is defined as the area of study that deals with determining what is good and bad behavior. For a company to be unethical, it would take part in actions that are not acceptable for every company to take part in. An example of some unethical behaviors in companies include but are not limited to; damage to the environment, exploiting the workforce by paying low wages, taking part in child labor, or producing productsRead MoreThe Effects Of Deforestation On The Environment1379 Words  | 6 Pagesedge of extinction,as the unwealthy class looks for ways to make money, they turn to a valuable and rare source of goods to sell. In the area they live, wild animals are in an abundance and because of the poor protection the government puts on them, are seen as easily obtainable items.†Wildlife crime is a big business. Run by dangerous international networks, wildlife and animal parts are trafficked much like illegal drugs and arms.†(World WildLife) Poaching is another awful aspect and was very bigRead MoreTrophy Hunting : A Common Controversial Issue Among People1596 Words  | 7 Pageshunting that generally creates feelings of animosity among people is trophy hunting. There are very few ethical theories and ideas that support trophy hunting. Trophy hunting is a form of hunting in which the hunter kills an animal with the main goal of taking a part or parts of that animal for a trophy. The majority of trophy hunting occurs in Africa, with big game as the most popular trophies, but trophy hunting also applies to non-exotic species as well. In this paper, I will start with introducing aRead MoreDescriptive Essay : Good Job ! 2093 Words  | 9 Pagestrigger and tuck the short barreled weapon to my chest. â€Å"Good job!†, says the man to my right through a thick Afrikaans accent. He is wearing full battle-dress camouflage and has the look of someone who commands respect. â€Å"Now again†, he says. I fire three more shots from the LM-5, then draw my pistol, taking carful aim and fire again. The weapon responds to my careful touch and kicks back as the holes in the target show that I have hit my mark. â€Å"Rangers, Attention!†, he yells, and weRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Hunger Games995 Words  | 4 PagesIf we compare the suffering on par with Katnisss, we look like horrible monsters. Even though this may be just pure fiction, there are 795 million people in the real-world that are starving. Here, in developed nations, citizens are complaining about what they get and how they want it. Well-fed people suffer from not getting enough of the foods they want. Looking back, I am angered by how I picky I was. Every time I complained, I did not look at Katnisss situation or the other 795 million peopleRead MorePoaching of Endangered Species2264 Words  | 10 PagesPoaching of Endangered Species â€Å"The main reason for animals endangered is the uncontrolled human activity.†This quote was stated on a website called Animal Port. There are many reasons why this statement is true, one of them are poaching. Poaching occurs out of greed to make money. Although there are several laws to protect certain animals, this is a horrible act to any animal. Especially for the animals that are already endangered. Poachers minimizing these animal’s numbers for their ownRead MoreThe Reasons Why Animals Started Becoming The Endangered1402 Words  | 6 Pagesfor a jacket you would wear only for the fall time. Where you can also buy faux leather or â€Å"fake†meaning it look and feel like leather, but it’s not. These jackets may only last a half or third of the time, but they are also a third of a price for a real one. Ugg boots are very popular in teenage and young women. You see them mostly in the winter time, and can always tell because they look like b rown slippers with â€Å"UGG†stamped into the back. They are also an expensive purchase as the can be anywhereRead MoreThe Human Of Endangered Species1309 Words  | 6 Pagesspecies. But global warming has helped play a part in it as well. Even though the answers to solving the problem on saving endangered species are known and well aware of, not enough of the human has reached out to lend a hand. The greed of mankind is taking away plants and animals habitats. It is affecting the food chain for animals and is killing off many plants that provide something as valuable as medicine. What is needed to be deeply understood is that failing to protect endangered species devastates
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Chain of Command Free Essays
With out the chain of command there would be no real order in how we as a whole work. The purpose of the chain of command is to tell people what they can and cannot do. So why we as a grown adults follow the chain of command, it is simple we choose to because of the fact that we raised are right hand and said yes I will. We will write a custom essay sample on Chain of Command or any similar topic only for you Order Now No matter how much we disagree with someone or something we should do it and then ask questions later that is the purpose of the chain without it what would we be. Consequences for disobeying the chain of command inside of the US Army are endless from as small as corrective training, verbal counseling, to being negatively counseled or given an Article 15. No matter what the circumstance’s may be you should not go to someone outside of your chain of command first. Even if they are trying to help you, its still not following your chain of command. The people that should find out first about any problem is your NCO. For many reasons. One of the purposes of the chain of command is to keep everyone informed of the situation at hand. The importance of the chain of command is that it provides stability when incidents come about that need to be dealt with. It sets up the structure for which you report all good and bad things, accidents, mistakes, tardiness and so on. All incidents in essence are intended to be dealt with on the lowest level before it is brought up to higher personnel as well as other reasons. It helps build leadership responsibility and common knowledge of how to run a stable work place. It helps people who are or would not normally be able to take control of situations and control how things are ran they can they can take control and help whoever it is with the problem. The chain of command allows for a problems to be dealt with on lower level and try to help this Marine with whatever issues they might be having. This is where the chain of command really starts to come into play. When a problem cannot be solved then the next higher up will attempt so on and so forth until every and all options have been attempted or tried is when you go to the top of the chain of command and have them deal with it how they feel is necessary. Other reasons the chain of command is important is that for instance there is an accident, health issue or personal problem. Someone needs to know what is wrong and where you’re at. Accountability is very important, not just to make sure you’re not Unaccounted for, to ensure that you are alive and well. You should follow your chain of command for the simple fact that alot of the problems or consequences of an incident could be lessened or the incident could not have any at all. Notifying your chain of command is not always beneficial meaning you get in trouble but they can start to figure out how to fix the problem. It is certainly more beneficial to you then trying to go around or above them and they find out that you tried to do this you be in alot more trouble than you probably would have been in the first place, again facing either corrective training, verbal counseling, negative counseling or Article 15. That was the way the chain of command is supposed to work even though we all in the military service know that fifty percent of the time it does not go that way because of the new regulations and all of this open door policy stuff yes that is a good way of alerting your chain of command of things you feel are wrong with the section of the chain that is directly above you. Yes, it is a good way to use the chain of command but always alert your immediate chain of command that you wish to speak to a higher level of the chain before you just up and do it for the simple fact that if you do jump the chain and no one knows. When that higher ups come and talk to the NCO’s you’ll get into trouble for not notifying your chain of your actions and hurting your purpose of what you may have been doing or tried accomplishing. The Chain of Command is simply constructed however. IF you have a problem or you want to attempt to get paperwork or have something done. You must first Go to your first line Supervisor, Which is normally your Team leader, but in some cases it may end up being your Squad Leader. But from your First line supervisor, it goes on up to the Squad leader, then Platoon Sergeant or Platoon Leader (again, all depends on your platoons’ structure). From there it works it way up to the Company First Sergeant, then Company Commander, From there it continues up the chain of command, to your Battalion Command Sergeant Major, Battalion Commander. Then to the respective Brigade CSM and Commander, up to Division, and so on. Until it hit the top and the Commander in chief, The President of the United States. How to cite Chain of Command, Papers
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