Saturday, November 30, 2019
Styrofoam and Clam Shells as Tiles Essay Example For Students
Styrofoam and Clam Shells as Tiles Essay STYROFOAM AND POWDERED Mercanana mercanana (CLAM SHELLS) AS ALTERNATIVE TILES INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Our country is presently facing from economic crisis. Financial problem is one of the biggest problems of each Filipino family. People tend to budget their money wisely, it is because all the needed things which are sold in the market are all expensive which includes foods, clothing materials and etc. Waste materials like plastics and Styrofoams are scattered anywhere. People tend to throw or disposed these wastes to rivers, lakes and seas, which the results caused water pollution and diseases. Clam shells are very abundant in our locality, which are highly valued as delicacy. Clam shells contain calcium carbonate, which indicates that it can be use as a source of calcium oxide (CaO). Only the meat of the clam will be eaten and the shells are thrown away. So the researchers wants to determine if dissolved Styrofoam and powdered Clam shells can be a good component in making tiles. B. Statement of the Problem This study aims to produce tile from the mixture of dissolved Styrofoam and powdered clam shells, specifically it aim to determine; a. We will write a custom essay on Styrofoam and Clam Shells as Tiles specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now If dissolved Styrofoam and powdered clam shells is a good component in making tiles. . Which of the following ratios, 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1, powdered clam shells is to dissolve Styrofoam is a good tile using the durability test and water absorption test. c. If the dissolved Styrofoam and powdered clam shells tile is comparable to commercial tile. C. Statement of the Hypothesis a. If the dissolved Styrofoam and powdered clam shells is a good component in making tiles then we will try to contact the South Milandia, Inc. Ceramic and Granite Tiles, Zamboanga City) to recommend our study to them. b. If we will going to conduct the following ratios we will having a three trial test in durability test and water bsorption test so that we can identify the durability of each given ratio and to determined the difference of soaked tile (grams) with the initial weight of the tiles. c. If the dissolved Styrofoam and powdered clam shells tile is more comparable to commercial tiles then you can save mon ey and it can help to reduce the amount of Styrofoams and in our community. This research study aims to produce tile out of dissolved Styrofoam and powdered Clam shells. This research study is important in a way that it can help to minimize the amount of waste materials particularly the non biodegradable ones, which are isposed anywhere. Therefore, this can help to prevent pollution and avoid diseases. This study also helps to prevent the destruction of our environment like rivers, lakes and seas. Finally, this research study also produce useful and affordable tile that each individual can enjoy and have a comfortable houses to live in. E. Scope and Limitation The boundary of this research study is to extent the use of dissolved Styrofoam and powdered Clam Shells as tiles. This study limits only on the ratios of 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1, powdered Clam Shells and dissolved Styrofoam respectively. This study also limits on he two tests, the durability and water absorption. Three trials were conducted per test per treatment. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Tiles are similar to bricks; they differ in uses, shapes and in finishing. A brick is in the form of a block while a tile is in the form of a sheet. Both are made from the same process and materials but the tile may go through glazing can give it a smooth finish. Tiles are used for walls and flooring. Clay was used as a material in making tiles. A reserved of 41. 5 mil. Tons of clay located in Giengday ensures the production of 100 mil. Bricks and tiles for a period of ore than 100 years. Giengday clay high contents of Fe203 and Fe304 as compared to those found in other places that bricks and tiles made of this material are dark red and well-shaped, smooth and of high quality. .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 , .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 .postImageUrl , .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 , .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280:hover , .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280:visited , .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280:active { border:0!important; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280:active , .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280 .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6c54747b98fbee185a01d05e7a62c280:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Old is GOld Sample EssayGienday clay is really qualified enough to produced ceramic and chinaware, decorative bricks used in extra standard building. (Shriff, 1982) A clam shell burrows shallowly in sediments of either mud or sand. It is among the most commercially important species of invertebrate. Clams have a large, heavy shell that ranges from being a pale brownish color to shades of gray and white. The exterior of the shell, except nearest the umbo is covered with a series of growth rings. The interior of the shell is colored a deep purple around the posterior edge and hinge. METHODOLOGY A. Research Locale This study will be conducted at Tumulaks Residence at Villa Luz Drive, Tugong Road, Sta. Maria, Zamboanga City. This research is a qualitative type of research for it will compare the commercial tiles and tiles out of Styrofoam and Clam Shells. C. General Procedure Preparation of Materials Shells will be obtained from the fishponds in Zambowood, Zamboanga City. The hells will be wash and then sun-dried. The shells will be pulverized and stained to separate to bigger particles. Styrofoams will be obtained from neighbourhood and from restaurants were it was used as food packaging. The collective Styrofoam will be wash and leave for drying. Three hundred grams of Styrofoam will be dissolved to 1 L. of premium gas. Preparation of Mixtures The powdered oyster shells and dissolved Styrofoam will be mixed evenly to the following ratios, 2:1, 3:1 and . Molding and Drying The prepared mixtures will be poured into the corresponding molders made up of luminum having 4 X 4 dimensions. The molders will be kept in a cabinet and leave for air drying. The average curing period of the tile is about two to three weeks. Glazing The dried mixture will be glazed by applying lacquer on the tiles. The applied lacquer will leave for drying then second coating will be done and leave again for further drying. Continuous application of the lacquer will be done until the desired glossiness will be achieved. Testing the Tiles A. DURABILITY TEST The durability test will be done by placing the tile on the floor and a load will be drop n the tile with the respective weights of 1. kg, and 2 kgtoa height of 1 meter. Three trials will be conducted per treatment per test/load. Commercial tiles will also test using the procedure to compare its durability value. B. WATER ABSORPTION TEST The tiles will be soaked in a basin with water and left for observation for about one (1) day. There will be three trials will be conducted per ratio. Commercial tiles will measured (grams). Water absorption value will be determined by getting the difference of the soak ed tile (grams) with the initial weight of the tiles.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Mrs. Mann Essay Example
Mrs. Mann Essay Example Mrs. Mann Paper Mrs. Mann Paper The novel Oliver Twist was written in the Victorian period by the famous Charles Dickens, witch was also the period of the industrial revolution. Because the population was very high and still increasing the demand for goods also dramatically increased. With such a high demand the living conditions and goods such as food and clothing severally lacked in quality. The living conditions for the poor people in large cities where very bad, so bad in fact that familys were forced to share one room between themselves. The amendment of the poor law was introduced in 1834, this law was made to disapprove of poor people living in workhouses. Workhouses were horrible places to be, only people who had no other choices would live and work there. People who were in there would be separated according to their gender and age. This novel begins with the birth of Oliver twist, after Olivers mother had given birth she hardly had the strength to hold her own baby in her arms. She gave him one last kiss before she closed her eyes and died. Because his father or family could not be located he was put into a workhouse as an orphan. He was treated terribly, he was fed watery gruel three times a day, an onion twice a week and half a roll on Sundays. They grew so hungry they used to worry they might eat each other dickens used irony to highlight the serious neglect with that quote. The character Mrs. Mann took care of the children but did a terrible job of it. She mistreats the children, Mr. Bumble who is her superior is supposed to check on her but he puts up with her and her wrong doing. I believe that the only reason Mrs. Mann chooses to look after the children is so she can torment and bully them, to feel that she is bigger and better then them. I think that the society and Mr. Bumble should not have let her get away with such savvier wrong doings and should have let her take care of the children. I think Charles dickens chose the name Mrs. Mann because it reflected the characters personality, she is a manly and strong character. Life in the workhouse was horrible, the conditions where very poor and the children where practically starving. The boys where fed watery gruel three times a day. Oliver along with all the other children was skinny and small. The children chose between themselves who would go up and ask the master for more gruel after supper and in the end it came down to Oliver. So he went and asked, the workhouse governors were horrified at his crime so they locked him in a cell for over a week. Sum one would come in everyday and beat him. Oliver escaped to London and met a character name Jack Dawkins (AKA the Artful Dodger). He took Oliver to a place were he could stay.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Art History Essay The Breakfast Scene
The symbol of cupid presented reflects themes presented within Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time , displaying aspects of misguided love , primarily emphasizing how lust compromises the morale of individuals. That the count presented sense of obliviousness in regards to the consequences of his actions, well eventually taint his family name in regards to the infidelity committed , but also such constant self ind... ...h open composition, provides a rustic appeal in order to emphasize the working class. The portrait depicts a fisherman’s daughter , maintain her lovely complexion , in order to lure individuals , to purchase selfish that resides in a basket placed upon her head, establishing a sense of euphoria. Adopting such seductive appearance to establish a form of interest , not only to display her services , but also displays aspects of eroticism and feminism , very large breast that references aspects of fertility , but also the delicate facial features the use of blush to complement her subtle complexion. The use of contropasto, the bodily composition presents a sense of equilibrium in which the action correlates with the action depicted, in which her arm is extended in order to maintain the balance. While the other resides at her waist idealizing her feminine figure.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6
Marketing - Essay Example Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Types of Websites 6 Comparison between B2B & C2C websites 8 Recommendation for improvements 12 Conclusion 13 Reference 14 Introduction In the year 1990 commercialization f the web began with the introduction of linking websites and the information by Tim Berners-Lee’s. With the advancement in the technological field more innovative approach came into play with the innovation of new hyper text transfer protocol (HTML). New browser was developed by the developers of them the most prominent one becomes Internet Explorer from Microsoft Corporation which gained popularity amongst the users. The major factor behind the rapid growth of the Web technology is due to the fall in price of computers and interest rate of the bank which increases the ownership of computers to great extent amongst the people. Different types of websites came into existence and increased at lightning speed from 19,000 websites to 176M websites just within a period of 18 years from 1990’s to 2008. With time and technological inventions better understanding of the web techniques and developers helped in better communication and user friendly design which created more attractiveness for the websites for different companies. ... E-commerce was introduced into web and companies carry out their business over internet for a better reach to the customer resulting in huge growth from $27M in the year 2000 to $ 139M in 2008. Figure 1: E-commerce retail sales growth 2000-2008 (Source: Cengage Learning, n.d.) This report is mainly concerned with the analysis of two kinds of websites one is Business to Business website ( and the other one is Consumer to Consumer website ( Both these websites are based at Australia and the companies are operating their business in two different ways with the help of technologies which is needed to be evaluated in this project. Types of Websites While developing a website one of the foremost requirements for the company is to understand the types of business in which the company operates in. With proper understanding of the business process the website development team can implement the strategies and design the website for better grip in the mark et. Complying with the business model is very essential for a sustainable growth in the market for the company. For operating business online e-Commerce business model is the major tool for the companies to reach to the customers in a more convenient manner. E-Commerce technology can be implemented on several ways in different types of websites according to the business process and the product offering of the company. The different types of websites can be as follows- Business to Business (B2B) When the e-commerce transaction is taking place in between two business units and the buying and selling of goods and services are carried out for manufacturing and producing new products. In business to business process the raw
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Reflective Account Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Reflective Account - Essay Example According to Kohenen (2004), student must be facilitated in developing reflective learning through working on beliefs, experiences and learning assumptions on their own. As a volunteer teacher working with special needs primary school children I was able to practically learn a lot of skills which I think a long way in assisting develop my professional outlook going forward. For learning to occur there must be an explicit awareness and understanding of just exactly what is to be learnt as well as why it is necessary. Learning has been defined as a process of creating new knowledge and understanding that takes place through transforming experience (Kohenen, 2004). Reflection on its parts plays a very crucial role of I the learning process by bridging the gap between theoretical conceptualisations and practical experience. There is no doubt therefore that volunteer experiential learning is an important aspect of education that will help students transit from the theoretical setting of the class to the much important practical application of knowledge. Successful transformation must include both theory and application which almost guarantees learning. Reflective experiential learning will no doubt play an important part in my development and conceptualisation of ideas. Experiential learning integrates the theory and practical aspects of learning with aim of attaining a wholesome approach and stress the importance of experience in learning. it takes various forms such as work study assignments, internships in the business world, exchange & volunteer programs in education, clinical experience and many others depending on the industry. Principles of reflective and experiential learning are applicable in both formal and informal learning settings. The most important element is the emphasis on active participation through interaction where learners get
Saturday, November 16, 2019
ICT Industry And Employment Essay Example for Free
ICT Industry And Employment Essay Understanding the impact of information technology will greatly affect one’s choice of career path. In this world of computers, electronic data and the internet, it is more practical to consider jobs and careers that go hand in hand with IT. There are solid evidences that the ICT industry will soon be the biggest player in any world economies. In the healthcare industry, every patient data is going paperless. With the introduction of EMR or Electronic Medical Records, hospitals, patients and health professionals can easily exchange data in order to assess the best possible way to provide patients with the necessary healthcare. Computers and the internet play important roles in EMR. Meanwhile, the finance and banking industry are also going electronic by implementing e-commerce strategies. Many of them are now providing electronic banking and investment facilities that clients can easily access. This innovation saves them thousands of dollars, which could have been used for labor, facility, or marketing funding needs. On the other hand, engineering companies are also joining the bandwagon. They have set up their respective IT departments in order to integrate computers to their manufacturing and service sectors. With the availability of reliable data, engineering companies can easily decide on implementing their plans or relaying information across all departments, which will result to better productivity. So what do these evidences say? Information and Communications Technology will soon become the very backbone of any economic sectors. In fact, any industries (software, electronics, hardware, internet) related to IT are considered some of the most robust in the global economy (Stanley Labs). If one wishes to get a bright future, then investing on learning the techniques in IT will be the right approach.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Alzheimer’s Disease: The Importance of Public Awareness Essay -- Alzhei
Imagine greeting your grandmother and being met with a blank stare. Think about how it would feel to watch as your father forgets how to drive or dress himself. Picture your own mother crying out for her long dead parents and siblings. Try to envision the look on a loved one’s face as you tell them that they can no longer live at home alone. Now put yourself in their place-- slowly losing your freedom, your memory, and your very identity. Welcome to the world of Alzheimer’s disease. This is the reality that nearly fifteen million caregivers and over five million patients must face every day. Public awareness must be raised about Alzheimer’s disease and the people it affects. Alzheimer’s disease was discovered in 1906 by German physician Alois Alzheimer. While studying the biopsy of the brain of a fifty-five year old woman who had suffered some type of severe dementia, he noticed some aberrations in her brain structure. The brain appeared shrunken, with enlarged crevasses in the gray matter. Over a century later, we now know that Alzheimer’s is caused by a mixture of chemical and cellular brain abnormalities and the breaking down of cells in the mind. Most of the defects occur in the cerebral cortex, which is the outer gray matter of the brain and the center of most human-like brain functions like memory, language, and thought. About ten percent of the nerves in the cerebral cortex die as the disease progresses, causing the person to lose previously created synapses (connections between nerve cells). Neurofibrillary tangles, which are abnormally twisted and knotted strands within nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, also contribute to the cognitive impairment. Nerve cells in the brain lose the ability to create vita... ... a disorder that plays a huge role in the United States, and one that needs to be recognized. Public awareness of Alzheimer’s will stimulate research to increase, more support to be made available to those directly affected, financial solutions to be found, and an overall increase in understanding and compassion. By informing people about Alzheimer’s and its consequences, we can truly begin to battle this devastating disease. â€Æ' Works Cited Alzheimer's Association. 2011 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures. Annual Report, Washington: Alzheimer's Association, 2011. August, Paul Nordstrom. Brain Function. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988. Check, William A. Alzheimer's Disease. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1989. Harmon, Dan. Life Out of Focus; Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1999.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Extremist Group Essay
Makenssey Brinkman Mr. Feudo English 1 Pre-AP – 6th 22 April 2010 The Dangers of The Extremes Extremist groups go above and beyond to get what they want. They go to extreme measures, even disregarding people’s safety and turning groups against each other to reach their goal. They are a great hazard to mankind. Despite the fact that people have the right of free speech and assembly, the banning of Extremist groups will better society because they promote hate and violence and turn people against each other. Topic Sentence 1) Extremist groups shower hate all over the groups of people who oppose them, and they become relentless in their attempt to do so. (Evidence 1) – â€Å"Anti-choicers harassed [George Tiller’s] patients, day in and day out. They bombed his clinic. They shot him once before. They filed lawsuit after lawsuit and even convinced local prosecutors to launch criminal investigations and trials. †(Analysis 1) – The Extremist pro-li fe group attacked the abortion doctor with hate.By harassing his patients and trying to convince prosecutors to go against him, they set a solid, horrid example for others that do not share the same views as Tiller. These hateful attacks ultimately led to Tiller’s murder by gun at The Reformation Lutheran Church. (Evidence 2) – â€Å"To recruit members and spread its beliefs, the American Front has collaborated with various neo-Nazi and skinhead groups to stage protests and rallies that demonize Jews, blacks, and other minorities. (Analysis 2) – Just to try and get members into the group, the Extremist group staged many protests and minorities put down many minor groups, They promoted hate into the people who listened to and watched them as they did so, and therefore spreading the hate all they could. (Example 3) – â€Å"Anti-Semites and racists have found video-sharing websites, such as YouTube and MySpace Video, an effective means to promote propagand a and hateful material that might not otherwise be seen by the public.Internet users who search video-sharing sites will often find anti-Semitic and racist videos when looking for information completely unrelated to the videos due to misleading tags and titles that extremists attach to the videos when uploading them to the sites. †(Analysis 3) – Extremist group are using the internet to spread hatred of other groups worldwide. By doing so, it makes it even easier for them to promote the hate and then hide the evidence if their website or video is caught. This must be stopped. Topic Sentence 2) Extremist groups use violence in reaching their goals and emphasizing the point they are trying to make. (Example 1) – â€Å"On June 10, 2009, a white supremist who believed it was â€Å"time to kill the Jews†took his gun to the Holocaust museum in Washington, D. C. , and stated shooting upon entering. †(Analysis 1) – In believing he was doing the ri ght thing, this Extremist tried to make his point by attacking the Holocaust victims museum. By attacking this museum, he made a big stand by basically showing with his violence that he supported what happened in the Holocaust. Example 2) – â€Å"[ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna)] has waged a relentless campaign of violence against the Spanish state, targeting politicians, policemen, judges, and soldiers. In 1980 alone, ETA was blamed for 118 deaths, and in 1995 it nearly succeeded in assassinating Jose Maria Aznar, then leader of the opposition, now Spain’s prime minister. †(Analysis 2) – The Extremist group ETA is taking their beliefs to an extreme extent. By killing and trying to assassinate a respected leader, they are using the violence to try and scare off and weaken their opposition. Example 3) – â€Å"Since 1977, there have been at least 17 attempted murders, 383 death threats, 153 incidents of assault or battery and three kidnappings committe d against abortion providers in North America. †(Analysis 3) – These are solid facts that exemplify all of the violence that have taken place from just one Extremist group. The groups cause pain and suffering in North America, and they feel as though using violence is one of the only ways to get their point across. (Topic Sentence 3) – Along with all the hate and violence that these groups reate, Extremist groups try tearing people further apart with their actions and words. (Example 1) – â€Å"The Kach movement was most famous for its platform calling for the removal of the entire Israeli-Arab population from Israel and transferring them â€Å"elsewhere. ††(Analysis 1) – The Jewish Defense League is another Extremist group that prizes themselves over all people. By trying to kick the Israeli-Arab population out of their homeland so they can take over, they cause horrible tensions between the people. These tensions would almost most certainly lead to more hate and more violence. Example 2) – â€Å"One man from Brockton, Massachusetts – who told police he had learned on white supremacist websites that a genocide was under way against whites – is charged with murdering two black people and planning to kill as many Jews as possible on the day after Obama's inauguration. †(Analysis 2) – By using the internet as a source to get to people, the Extremist groups have given false information and got what they wanted from it. They scared the man into believing that he was in danger, so he decided to take action and go against the other races. (Example 3) –
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Belbin’s Theory Essay
When a team is performing at its best, usually each team member has clear responsibilities . Belbin suggests that, by understanding the role within a particular team, people can develop strengths and manage weaknesses as a team member. Belbin’s 1981 book Management Teams presented conclusions from his work studying how members of teams interacted during business games run at Henley Management College. Amongst his key conclusions was the proposition that an effective team has members that cover eight (later nine) key roles in managing the team and how it carries out its work. He categorized those roles into three groups: Action Oriented, People Oriented, and Thought Oriented. Each team role is associated with typical behavioural and interpersonal strengths. Belbin also defined characteristic weaknesses that tend to accompany each team role. He called the characteristic weaknesses of team-roles the ‘allowable’ weaknesses; as for any behavioural weakness, these are a reas to be aware of and potentially improve. Belbin suggested that, in order for a team to operate effectively, it needed a balance of nine different roles. Plant: Plants are creative, unorthodox and generators of ideas. If an innovative solution to a problem is needed, a Plant is a good person to ask. A good Plant will be bright and free-thinking. Plants can tend to ignore incidentals and refrain from getting bogged down in detail. The Plant bears a strong resemblance to the popular caricature of the absent-minded professor/inventor, and often has a hard time communicating ideas to others. Multiple Plants in a team can lead to misunderstandings, as many ideas are generated without sufficient discernment or the impetus to follow the ideas through to action. Resource Investigator: The Resource Investigator gives a team a rush of enthusiasm at the start of the project by vigorously pursuing contacts and opportunities. He or she is focused outside the team, and has a finger firmly on the pulse of the outside world. Where a Plant c reates new ideas, a Resource Investigator will quite happily appropriate them from other companies or people. A good Resource Investigator is a maker of possibilities and an excellent networker, but has a tendency to lose momentum towards the end of a project and to forget small details. Chairman (1981) / Co-ordinator (1988): The â€Å"Chairman/Co-ordinator†ensures that all members of the team are able to contribute to discussions and decisions of the team. Their concern is for fairness and equity among team members. Those who want to make decisions quickly, or unilaterally, may feel frustrated by their insistence on consulting with all members, but this can often improve the quality of decisions made by the team. Clarifies goals; helps allocate roles, responsibilities, and duties; articulates group conclusions Shaper: A dynamic team-member who loves a challenge and thrives on pressure. This member possesses the drive and courage required to overcome obstacles. Seeks patterns in group work; pushes group toward agreement and decisions; challenges others Monitor-Evaluator: A sober, strategic and discerning member, who tries to see all options and judge accurately. This member contributes a measured and dispassionate analysis and, through objectivity, stops the team committing itself to a misguided task. Analyzes problems and complex issues; monitors progress and prevents mistakes; assesses the contributions of others; sees all options; judges accurately Team Worker: The â€Å"Team Worker†is concerned to ensure that interpersonal relationships within the team are maintained. They are sensitive to atmospheres and may be the first to approach another team member who feels slighted, excluded or otherwise attacked but has not expressed their discomfort. The Team Worker’s concern with people factors can frustrate those who are keen to move quickly, but their skills ensure long-term cohesion within the team. Gives personal support and help to others; socially oriented and sensitive to others; resolves conflicts; calms the waters; serves as an in-group diplomat Company Worker (1981) / Implementer (1988): The â€Å"Implementer†is the practical thinker who can create systems and processes that will produce what the team wants. Taking a problem and working out how it can be practically addressed is their strength. Being strongly rooted in the real world, they may frustrate other team members by their perceived lack of enthusiasm for inspiring visions and radical thinking, but their ability to turn those radical ideas into workable solutions is important. Completer Finisher: The â€Å"Completer Finisher†is the detail person within the team. They have a great eye for spotting flaws and gaps and for knowing exactly where the team is in relation to its schedule. Team members who have less preference for detail work may be frustrated by their analytical and meticulous approach, but the work of the Completer Finisher ensures the quality and timeliness of the output of the team. Emphasizes the need for meeting schedules, deadlines, and completing tasks; searches out errors Specialist (1988): Belbin later added a ninth role, the â€Å"Specialist†, who brings ‘specialist’ knowledge to the team. Single-minded, self-starting, dedicated; provides unique or rare expertise and skills Specialists are passionate about learning in their own particular field. As a result, they are likely to be a fountain of knowledge and will enjoy imparting this knowledge to others. They also strive to improve and build upon their expertise. If there is anything they do not know the answer to, they will happily go and find out. Specialists bring a high level of concentration, ability, and skill in their discipline to the team, but can only contribute on that specialism and will tend to be uninterested in anything which lies outside its narrow confines. Note that Belbin was not arguing that every team has to have a minimum of nine members. Individuals within the team may take on more than one role each. As long as all the roles are filled, the team will be more likely to be effective.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on The Rabbits Of Watership Down
The main rabbit in the story Watership Down is Hazel. Hazel is the leader of the rabbits who leave the Sandleford warren. The word hazel means â€Å"reconciliation†. Hazel shows this quality when he tries to make amends with General Woundwort after Bigwig leads the does from the Efrafa warren. He comes up with a solution that is good for both warrens and tries to solve their problem. The plant witch hazel is occasionally used for medicinal purposes. In the book, Hazel gives medical attention to different rabbits who become injured during one of their many adventures. The word bluebell means â€Å"consistency†. In the story Bluebell shows great consistency in protecting Holly after they escape the Sandleford warren. Holly, a former captain of the Owsla, is injured and cannot move very fast. Bluebell stayed with him for the entire trip to watership down, and speaks for him when the other rabbits find them. The plant bluebell is a wild flower. In the book. Bluebell acts a little more wildly than the others by telling jokes in odd situations. Strawberry is a rabbit met at Cowslip’s warren. He becomes friends with some of the wandering rabbits and eventually leaves his warren to go with them. This is how Strawberry is similar to the plant he is named for. The typical strawberry plant has short roots; Strawberry himself has short roots because he leaves his warren without taking much time to make his decision. The word strawberry means â€Å"esteem†. Strawberry shows his esteem towards the other rabbits by listening to their opinions and trusting them from the beginning of their journey together. Holly is a captain in the Sandleford warren, but does not join the other rabbits until his warren has been destroyed and the other rabbits have reached watership down. The word holly means â€Å"foresight†. When Hazel takes the group to retrieve does from Efrafa, Holly uses his foresight and good judgment ... Free Essays on The Rabbits Of Watership Down Free Essays on The Rabbits Of Watership Down The main rabbit in the story Watership Down is Hazel. Hazel is the leader of the rabbits who leave the Sandleford warren. The word hazel means â€Å"reconciliation†. Hazel shows this quality when he tries to make amends with General Woundwort after Bigwig leads the does from the Efrafa warren. He comes up with a solution that is good for both warrens and tries to solve their problem. The plant witch hazel is occasionally used for medicinal purposes. In the book, Hazel gives medical attention to different rabbits who become injured during one of their many adventures. The word bluebell means â€Å"consistency†. In the story Bluebell shows great consistency in protecting Holly after they escape the Sandleford warren. Holly, a former captain of the Owsla, is injured and cannot move very fast. Bluebell stayed with him for the entire trip to watership down, and speaks for him when the other rabbits find them. The plant bluebell is a wild flower. In the book. Bluebell acts a little more wildly than the others by telling jokes in odd situations. Strawberry is a rabbit met at Cowslip’s warren. He becomes friends with some of the wandering rabbits and eventually leaves his warren to go with them. This is how Strawberry is similar to the plant he is named for. The typical strawberry plant has short roots; Strawberry himself has short roots because he leaves his warren without taking much time to make his decision. The word strawberry means â€Å"esteem†. Strawberry shows his esteem towards the other rabbits by listening to their opinions and trusting them from the beginning of their journey together. Holly is a captain in the Sandleford warren, but does not join the other rabbits until his warren has been destroyed and the other rabbits have reached watership down. The word holly means â€Å"foresight†. When Hazel takes the group to retrieve does from Efrafa, Holly uses his foresight and good judgment ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Albert Nobbs (2011) Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Albert Nobbs (2011) - Movie Review Example Albert worked as a hotel waiter for thirty years during which she exhibited extreme dedication, and was known for her introvert nature. The hotel appointed Joe Mackins for repairing of boilers, who soon went into a relationship with the flirtatious maid Helen Dawes. However, Joe proved to be a drunk and extremely dominating man. Albert then narrates her life story to Hubert Page who is a housepainter and a fellow transvestite. Albert had chosen her present life out of economic needs after she was gang raped at the age of fourteen. However, Albert refrains from revealing her true name since she considers herself as a man. Seeing that Hubert is married and has a wife, Cathleen who is a dressmaker by profession, Albert too dreams of having a life partner. Albert’s objective in life is to open a tobacco shop with her savings and for that she offered Helen to stay with her. In spite of her reluctance, Joe insists Helen to agree since he thought Albert would give her the money that he needed to leave Ireland for America with Helen. During this time, typhoid epidemic broke out in Dublin for which hotel business began to drop thus calling financial problems for Albert. Soon she learns that Cathleen has died of the epidemic. In memory of Cathleen, Albert and Hubert dress up as women wearing the clothes made by Cathleen. During a walk together, although they manage to overcome their initial uneasiness, Albert soon trips and falls which returns her to reality. They then revert to their old lives, i.e. playing the role of men. Immediately after this Albert learns that Helen is pregnant with Joe’s child. In response to Helen’s fear that Joe may abandon her and leave for America, Albert offers to marry her. Later that eveni ng, Helen and Joe get involved in a fight in which Albert intervened and physically attacked Joe. Joe, in a fit of rage, pushes Albert
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Heteronormativity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Heteronormativity - Essay Example Despite the increased visibility of gay men and lesbian women, there remains no definition of family in the public consciousness that refers to same-sex couples with children. In fact, in the not too distant past, the notions of lesbian mothers/homosexual fathers or lesbian/homosexual families would have been nonexistent. This culture of heteronormativity (Gamson, 2000) dictates that a viable family consist of a heterosexual mother and a father raising children together. Heterosexuality and heterosexual forms of relating are the norm.1 All other forms of relational experience are thus viewed in contrast. For example, the descriptive term "couples" means heterosexual couples, then, there are gay and lesbian couples. Families are nuclear and headed by two heterosexual parents, then, there are gay and lesbian families. Similarly, "woman" means a heterosexual woman, then, there is the lesbian. Heteronormativity supports the dominant norm of heterosexuality by marginalizing any relational structure that defies it.2 A review of the family therapy literature bears this out; until recently the concept of the gay/lesbian family has been virtually unheard of in the family therapy field. This fact was confirmed by two research studies. Allen and Demo3 and Clark and Serovich found that the marriage and family therapy fields generally ignored gay, lesbian, and bisexual issues. For example, Clark and Serovich surveyed 17 journals published from 1975 to 1995. Of the 13,217 articles published, only 77, or 0.006% focused on gay/lesbian issues, used a gay/lesbian sample, or included sexual orientation as a variable.4 Goodrich (2003) cited the availability of only two early texts on working with lesbian couples in family therapy as an indication of the intense homophobia in the field from the 1960s to the 1990s.5 Proceeding from the above stated, heteronormativity has determined that unless the word gay is attached, marriage implies heterosexual marriage. Heterosexuality is the norm. Indeed, as Warner (1993) pointed out, "humanity and heterosexuality are synonymous."6 This notion of heterosexuality goes far beyond the institutions that marginalize and punish any relationship viewed as other. In this vein, heterosexuality is, of itself, a social and political organizing principle.7 Intrinsically linked to the structures of male dominance, heterosexuality can be viewed as a dictatorial patriarchal institution.8 Rich described this culture of compulsory heterosexuality as a powerful cluster of forces within which women have been convinced of the inevitability of both marriage and sexual orientation toward men. Thus, there have been very few attempts to explain how an individual develops a heterosexual orientation.9 Research into the development of heterosexuality is limited by the belief that it is natural and when it focuses upon homosexuality, persistently views it as deviant. Thus, implicit in discussions about sexual orientation is the notion that heterosexuality is both normal and mentally healthy, and that non-heterosexuals are abnormal and psychologically disabled.10 In direct relation to the homosexual/heterosexual categories, Rothblum (2000) pointed out that in a categorical definition of sexual orientation behavior, desire, and identity are assumed to be congruent.11 This is disputed by research.
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