Thursday, October 31, 2019
Exam #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Exam #2 - Essay Example By implementing this program, the company gets the following benefits: Light and modified duty program offers cost savings opportunity for the company to control workers’ compensation and disability costs. A well developed Light and modified duty program must contain the senior management’s support and cultural acceptance by the location management of the program. In addition, a well-made light/modified duty program contains a detailed job description for each task done in the workplace. Potential questions include: A). will there be a rising cost of workers’ compensation and healthcare? –the answer to this question is no, the program in conjunction with the transitional duty will manage this. Also, it is more efficient to pay an employee working at 50% as opposed to paying for workers compensations which is 0% productivity to the company. B). in case of injury, which will be responsible? The answer to this question is, the responsible individuals include the injured employee, supervisor, and program coordinator a. Family medical leave act- Only serious health conditions of the employee constitutes a modified work program. This act is only relevant in cases where the employee has a serious accident, with the approval of a medical practioner. b. The Americans with disabilities act- This act enables employers to make permanent reservations for employees who are disabled. This means that disabled employees do light duty task. If no outcome is predestined for the light duty program and the employer requests no follow up information, the employer may be sued. Although the employee may be working under the light and modified duty programs, follow up data is necessary. c. Workers compensation statutes- Actual disabilities qualify someone for this act and for a modified work program. An employer may be sued if found to make a sick or injured employee work as
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
History (Fifteen Year War in Asia) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
History (Fifteen Year War in Asia) - Essay Example This essay will address the responses of African Americans and Japanese Americans before and during the World War II. Many influential African descendants began admiring Japan after Japan’s defeat of Russia. W.E.B. Du Bois, Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey and Harry Dean all wrote and spoke about their high regard for the Japanese. These men considered Japanese to be a people of color. For a people of color to vanquish a country ruled by a white monarchy gave African Americans hope. If Japan could triumph over Russia, why could Japan not defeat America? Marcus Garvey believed the wind of change had started blowing. His organization the Universal Negro Improvement Association began supporting pro-Japanese causes in American and Britain. The African descendents and African Americans did not only admire the Japanese for their victory in the Russo-Japan war. The Japanese were admired for their acceptance of people of color. Many Japanese speakers in America at that time brought an African American wife or mistress to address the African Americans. In a time of Jim Crow laws to have a Japanese man affiliate himself with African Americans proved that Japan could provide a more racially equal environment than America. The thought of a society with little or no racial tension appealed to African Americans. To boost the pro-Japanese stance, Elijah Muhammad, a Nation of Islam leader, Marcus Garvey and Harry Dean, Paul Cuffe’s grandson, put forth the theory that Africans and Japanese were related by blood. A theory was put forth that Africans and Japanese were related by blood. Harry Dean, a sailor by profession, brought a tale back from Africa. This tale, the Teo Saga, claimed a chief, more Japanese than Africa, told how South Africa, Madagascar, Sumatra, Java, Korea and Japan once were connected by land. After the great flood these places were separated by water. Elijah Muhammad pointed out the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Treatment of Ankle Syndesmosis Injuries
Treatment of Ankle Syndesmosis Injuries Chapter No. 1 1. INTRODUCTION Injuries to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis are complex and remained controversial with regard to diagnosis and management. In United Kingdom, ankle fractures are the most common fracture among patients aged between 20 and 65 with the annual incidence reported as 90,000 (1). Twenty percent20% of ankle fractures requireing internal fixation (2), and or 10% of all ankle fractures are associated with syndesmosis disruption (3). Syndesmotic injuries have also been reported in the absence of fracture and sometime called as â€Å"high ankle sprain†with incidence reported somewhere between 1% and 11% of all ankle fractures or 0.5% of all ankle sprains (4-6). Despite the considerable tremendous amount of work load these injuries provide for orthopaedic surgeons, there is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment of these injuries, resulting and sometime results in under or over treatment of syndesmotic injuries, especially those without fibular fracture. It is therefore importa nt to understand the anatomy, biomechanics and the mechanism of injuries involving the tibiofibular syndesmosis. 1.1. Anatomy The inferior tibiofibular joint is a syndesmotic joint formed by two bones and four ligaments. The distal tibia and fibula form the osseous part of the syndesmosis held together by four ligaments providing stability that is integral for proper functioning of the ankle joint (6-8). These ligaments include the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL), the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL), the transverse tibiofibular ligament and the interosseous ligament. At the apex of syndesmosis, the interosseous border of tibia bifurcates caudally into an anterior and posterior margin. The anterior margin ends in the antero-lateral aspect of the tibial plafond called the anterior tubercle (Chaputs tubercle). The posterior margin ends in the posterolateral aspect of the tibial plafond called the posterior tubercle. The anterior and posterior margins of the distal tibia enclose a concave triangular notch called insisura fibularis, with its apex 6-8 cm above the level of the talocrural joint (9-11). The anterior tubercle is more prominent than the posterior tubercle and protrudes further laterally and overlaps the medial two thirds of the fibula (9-11). The fibular part of the syndesmosis is convex and matches with its tibial counterpart. The crista interossea fibularis, i.e. the ridge on the medial aspect of the fibula, also bifurcates into an anterior and posterior margin and forms a convex triangle that is located above the articular facet on the lateral malleolus. The base of the fibular triangle is formed by the anterior tubercle (Wagstaffe-Le Fort tubercle) and the, almost negligible, posterior tubercle (9). Shape of insisura fibularis varies among individual. Elgafy et al (12) described two main morphological patterns in their study of 100 normal ankle syndesmoses. In 67% the insisura was deep, giving the syndesmosis a crescent shape while in 33% it was shallow, giving the syndesmosis a rectangular shape (12). The anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament AITFL runs obliquely from anterior tubercle of distal tibia to anterior tubercle of fibula [Fig. 1.1]. AITFL consists of multifascicular bundle of fibers that run obliquely downwards and laterally and prevents excessive fibular movement and external talar rotation (13). The AITFL is the first ligament to fail in external rotation injuries (9). Posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament PITFL is a strong ligament. It originates from posterior tubercle of distal tibia and runs obliquely downwards and laterally to the posterior lateral malleolus (14) [Fig. 1.2]. PITFL works along with AITFL to hold the fibula tight in insisura fibularis of the tibia. The lower part of the PITFL runs more horizontally and is considered as a separate anatomical entity called transverse ligament. The transverse ligament is a thick, strong structure with twisting fibers. It passes from the posterior tibial margin to the posterior margin of malleolar fossa of distal fibula. The location of the transverse ligament below the posterior tibial margin creates a posterior labrum, which deepens the articular surface of the distal tibia and helps to prevent posterior talar translation [Fig. 1.2]. The interosseous tibiofibular ligament is a thickening of lower most part of interosseous membrane and consists of numerous short, strong, fibrous bands which pass between the contiguous rough triangular surfaces of the distal tibia and fibula and form the strongest connection between these bones, providing stability to talocrural joint during loading. The ligament is thought to act like a spring, allowing for slight separation between the medial and lateral malleolus during dorsiflexion at the ankle joint and thus for some wedging of the talus in the mortise (9). Ogilvie-Harris et al (15) studied the relative importance of each of the ligaments in the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis using 8 fresh-frozen cadaver specimens to evaluate the percentage of contribution of each ligament during 2 mm of lateral fibular displacement. The anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament provided 35%; the transverse ligament, 33%; the interosseous ligament, 22%; and the posterior inferior ligament, 9%. Thus, more than 90% of total resistance to lateral fibular displacement is provided by 3 major ligaments. Injury to one or more of them result in weakening, abnormal joint motion, and instability. 1.2. Biomechanics The primary movements at the ankle joint include dorsiflexion and planterflexion. The normal ankle allows approximately 15o to 20o of active dorsiflexion which may be increased to 40o passively and between 45o to 55o of plantar flexion (16). The superior surface of the talus is wedge shaped and wider anteriorly than posteriorly with an average difference of 4.2 mm (17). During dorsiflexion, the wider anterior portion of the talus ‘‘wedges between the medial and lateral malleoli, and much of the mortise becomes occupied (6). Up to 6o of talar external rotation occurs during ankle dorsiflexion and the talusit rotates internally and supinates slightly during plantar flexion, as a result of its conical and wedged shape (17-19). During normal ankle motion, some movement occurs normally at the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. Although ankle syndesmosis is a tightly held fibrous joint it allows 1 to 2 mm of widening at the mortise as the foot is moved from full plantar flexion t o full dorsiflexion. This widening of mortise occurs partly as a result of 3o to 5o of fibular rotation along its vertical axis during plantar flexion and dorsiflexion (6, 18, 20). When fixing ankle fractures, it is vital necessary to restore normal anatomic relations of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis, as slight discrepancy can lead to significant change in biomechanics and sub optimal long term results. Ramsey and Hamilton (21) demonstrated that as little as 1 mm of lateral shift of the talus in the ankle mortise resulted in a 40% loss of tibiotalar contact surface area and increase in contact stresses. Similar findings were also confirmed by another recent study by Lloyd et al (22) in 2006. Taser et al (23) showed using three-dimensional computed tomographic (CT) reconstructions that a 1 mm separation of the syndesmosis can lead to a 43% increase in joint space volume. 1.3. Mechanism of Injury The 3 proposed mechanisms of ankle syndesmotic injury include external rotation of the foot, eversion of the talus and hyper dorsiflexion (6, 24). External rotation injuries result in widening of the mortise as the talus is forcefully driven into external rotation within the mortise. Forceful eversion of the talus also results in widening of the mortise. These mechanisms are most common in sports like football and skiing. Hyperdorsiflexion injuries are seen in jumping sports and also result in widening of mortise when wider anterior part of the talus dome is forcefully driven into the joint space. In all cases, the fibula is pushed laterally and if the forces are strong enough, leads to diastasis of ankle syndesmosis (24-30). Lauge-Hansen (31) classified the ankle fractures according to the mechanism of injuries. This classification system was based on cadaveric study and takes into account the position of foot at the time of injury and the deforming force. According to this syndesmotic disruption most commonly occurs in â€Å"Pronation-External Rotation†(PER) injuries. Depending on the severity of the force applied, this abnormal movement will result in rupture the deltoid ligament or fracture the medial malleolus in its first stage, with subsequent injury to the syndesmotic ligaments and the interosseous membrane, and finally a spiral fracture of the fibula above the level of syndesmosis (31, 32). Most of the complete syndesmotic disruptions are associated with Weber C fracture with smaller proportion having Weber B fracture with widening of the mortise and, occasionally, a Maissonneuve fracture (33). Syndesmotic diastesis rarely occurs in isolation without bone injury and poses a diagnostic cha llenge. These injuries are sometime referred as â€Å"high syndesmotic sprain†(4, 27, 34). 1.4. Diagnosis Diagnosis of syndesmotic injury can sometime be challenging and depends on high index of suspicion, taking into consideration, the mechanism of injury and the clinical findings and confirming with radiological assessment or examination under anaesthesia. Several clinical tests have been described in literature but lack high predictive value in acute cases as it might be difficult to perform these tests because of excessive pain in acute situations. Some examples of these tests include Squeeze test (34), Point test (35), External rotation test (32, 35) and Fibular translation test (32, 36). Radiographs are important in diagnosis of tibiofibular syndesmotic diastasis. Three radiographic parameters have been described based on anterior-posterior and mortise views but controversy exist among researchers with regard to the optimal parameter for accurate diagnosis. The â€Å"tibiofibular clear space†is defined as the distance between the lateral border of the posterior tubercle and the medial border of the fibula. The â€Å"tibiofibular overlap†is the distance between the medial border of the fibula and the lateral border of the anterior distal tibial tubercle and the â€Å"medial clear space†is the distance between the articular surface of medial malleolus and the adjacent surface of talus (32, 37). Harper et al (38) radiographically evaluated normal tibiofibular relationship in 12 cadaver lower limbs and based on a 95% confidence interval, demonstrated following criteria as consistent with a normal tibiofibular relationship: (1) a tibiofibular clear space on the anterior-posterior and mortise views of less than approximately 6 mm; (2) tibiofibular overlap on the anterior-posterior view of greater than approximately 6 mm or 42% of fibular width; (3) tibiofibular overlap on the mortise view of greater than approximately 1 mm. The study concluded that the width of the tibiofibular clear space on both anterior-posterior and mortise views appeared to be the most reliable parameter for detecting early syndesmotic widening and medial clear space greater than a superior clear space is indicative of deltoid ligament injury (38). The accuracy of these measurements has been questioned in several studies. Beumer et al (39) demonstrated that these measurements are greatly influenced by the positioning of ankle while taking radiographs. Similar findings were confirmed by Nelson et al (40) and Pneumaticos et al (41) except that the later study reported that the tibiofibular clear space did not change significantly by rotation of ankle (41). CT and MRI scanning are more sensitive than radiography for detecting minor degrees of syndesmotic injury and provide an important diagnostic tool in suspicious cases (7, 42). 1.5. Treatment of Syndesmosis diastasis and review of literature Injuries to distal tibio-fibular syndesmosis are complex and require accurate reduction and fixation for optimal outcome (43, 44) but the choice of fixation still remained controversial. Kenneth et al (45) studied the effect of syndesmotic stabilization on the outcome of ankle fractures in 347 patients at a minimum follow up of 1 year and concluded that patients requiring syndesmotic stabilization in addition to the malleolar fixation had poorer outcome as compared to patients requiring only malleolar fixation. Although, the use of metal screw has been the most popular means of stabilizing the syndesmosis (32), controversy exists with regard to the size and number of screw, number of cortices engaged, level of screw placement above the tibial plafond, need for routine removal and the timing of the screw removal (46-48). Beumer et al (49) in their cadaveric study, reported no difference in fixation of the syndesmosis when stainless steel screws were compared to titanium screws through three or four cortices. Hoiness et al (46) conducted a randomised prospective trial comparing single 4.5 mm quadricortical screw with two 3.5mm tricortical screws for ankle syndesmosis injuries in 64 patients. The study showed improvement in early function in the tricortical group, but after one year there was no significant difference between the groups in their functional score, pain or dorsiflexion (46). Further report on the same study group with 8.4 years average follow up did not show any significant diff erence in clinical outcome (50). Moore et al (51) also reported similar functional outcome with either three or four cortical fixation using 3.5 mm screws with slightly higher trend toward loss of reduction in tricortical group. Although there is no clinical consensus regarding number and size of the screws, biomechanical studies have shown that two screws are mechanically superior to single screw (52). There is no significant difference between 3.5 mm and 4.5 mm syndesmosis screw when used as tricortical screw (48) but when used as quadricortical screw 4.5 mm screw showed higher resistance to shear stress than 3.5 mm screw (53). Routine removal of syndesmosis screw is another controversial issue. Some authors advocate routine removal before starting full weight bearing as screw provides rigid fixation of syndesmosis where micromotion occurs normally and can therefore lead to screw loosening or fatigue failure (54-57). Miller et al (58) demonstrated improved clinical outcomes follow ing syndesmosis screw removal in a series of 25 patients. Manjoo et al (59) retrospectively reviewed 106 patients treated with syndesmosis screw. Seventy-six returned for follow up. The study concluded that intact screw was associated with a worse functional outcome as compared with loose, broken or removed screws. However there were no differences in functional outcomes comparing lose or broken screws with removed screws (59). Both these studies had inherent limitations including of retrospective studies study design and lack of a the control group. Malreduction of tibiofibular syndesmosis has been reported as a significant problem with screw fixation and is an independent predictor of functional outcome (44). Gardner et al (60) reported 52% of malreduction of syndesmosis in weber C fractures treated with screw fixation. Bioabsorbable screws haves also been used as an alternative to metal screws to avoid hardware related complications and haves demonstrated equal effectiveness in fixation of diastesis (61-63). However, these implants did not gain popularity because of concerns including osteolysis, foreign-body reaction, late inflammatory reaction and osteoarthritis due to polymer debris entering the joint (64-67). The Arthrex Tightrope is a relatively new surgical implant based on the suture endobutton design. It is a low profile system comprised of a No. 5 FiberWire ® loop which, tensioned and secured between metallic buttons placed against the outer cortices of the tibia and fibula, provides physiologic stabilization of the ankle mortise and obviates the need for a second procedure for removal, therefore late diastasis is unlikely (68). Biomechanical testing and clinical trials have shown equivalent strength and improved patient outcome with the tightrope technique (69, 70). In 2005 Thornes et al (71) performed a clinical and radiological comparison of 16 patients treated with suture-button techniques with similarand a similar cohort of patients treated with syndesmosis screw fixation. Patients in suture button group demonstrated significantly better American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score and returned to work earlier than screw group. As with any novel technique, the fol low-up reported in the literature is short and the number of cases are limited [Table 1]. The largest case series so far, has reported the outcome in 25 cases patients (72, 73). Although initial series did not report any complications, some cases of implant removal have been reported in more recent literature because of soft tissue irritation. In a series of 16 patients, two tightropes were removed, one due to infection, and the other due to soft-tissue irritation (74). Willmott et al (75) reported 2 cases of tightrope removal because of soft tissue inflammation, out of 6 patients treated with ankle tightrope (33%). One of them was removed because of inflammation over medial button. Coetzee et al (76) in their results of a prospective randomized clinical trial also reported removal of one tightrope because of infection, out of 12 cases. In a most recent series of 24 cases DeGroot et al (77) reported removal of hardware in 6 patients due to soft tissue complication. They also reporte d subsidence of endo-button due to osteolysis in adjacent bone in 4 cases but did not have any effect on clinical outcome as it was a late occurrence. There were also 3 cases of heterotopic bone formation in this series. Despite satisfactory short term clinical outcomes, few complications have also been reported related to soft tissue irritation and also there is a concern that tightrope might be inferior to screw in maintaining the syndesmosis. So far, the literature is limited with regard to tightrope fixation and the issue of malreduction has not been properly investigated. Radiological measurements in most of the studies are performed on radiographs. It has been previously noted that radiographic measurements are influenced by the rotation of ankle and therefore not accurate. Thornes et al performed axial CT scan on 11 of 16 patients treated with tightrope at 3 months and did not find any malreduction (71). CT scans were performed only after 3 month of surgery and none of the patient in control group had a CT scan and therefore undermines the significance of this part of their study. Significant malreduction of tibiofibular syndesmosis has been reported in literature for patients treated with syn desmosis screw (50, 60). As malreduction of syndesmosis is the most important independent predictor of long term functional outcome we aim to fill the gap in literature regarding tightropes ability to maintain syndesmosis integrity in longer term. 1.6. Aims and Objective The primary A aim of this study is to compare the accuracy and maintenance of syndesmotic reduction using tightrope technique and syndesmosis screw fixation and their consequences on clinical outcome. Population (P) Adult patients with acute fixation of ankle syndesmosis. Intervention (I ) Tightrope fixation of ankle syndesmosis. Comparison (C) Syndesmosis screw fixation. Outcome (O) Accuracy of syndesmotic reduction, based on axial CT scan. Chapter No. 2 2. PATIENTS AND METHODS We conducted a cohort study to assess the radiological and clinical outcomes of patients after treatment of ankle injuries involving distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. Two different methods of syndesmosis fixation were compared (standard transosseous syndesmosis screw fixation and a relatively new, Tightrope fixation technique) for the accuracy and maintenance of syndesmosis reduction and its correlation with the functional outcome scores after at least 18 months following the index procedure. The accuracy of syndesmosis reduction was measured primarily on axial Computed Tomographic (CT) scans and anterio-posterior (AP) radiographs of ankles using uninjured contralateral ankle as a control. The study was conducted in department of Trauma and Orthopaedics and the department of Radiology in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, Republic of Ireland after approval by the Institutional Review Board (appendix i). The patients were recruited using trauma theatre database. The data regarding all patients treated for ankle injuries was reviewed. The inclusion criteria were as follows: adults (> 18 years) with acute ankle syndesmosis injury willing to give informed consent to participate in the study , fixation of the injuryed over a 2 years period from July 2007 to June 2009 provided they did not fit into the exclusion criteria. The exclusion criteria set out for this study included: P patients with open fracture, I i ndividuals with diabet es ic or neuropathic arthropathy, M multi trauma patients and P patients who had a previous injury or surgery on the contra-lateral ankle as those could not be used as a control. Pregnancy was included in exclusion criteria B because of radiation exposure in this study. â€Å"pregnancy†was also mentioned as exclusion criteria. i I ndividuals unwilling to consent to the study Patients were treated by six Orthopaedic consultants in a single trauma unit using two different techniques for syndesmosis fixation including traditional screw and tightrope fixation technique. Three consultants used screw fixation while the other three consultants used tightrope technique for all of their patients requiring syndesmosis fixation irrespective of age, sex and the type of associated fractures. The diagnosis of tibiofibular diastasis was based on careful clinical examination, consideration of the fracture pattern and radiographic parameters including widening of medial clear space (MCS), increased tibiofibular clear space (TFCS) and reduced tibio-fibular overlap (TFOL) preoperatively; and intraoperative confirmation under fluoroscopy using â€Å"external rotation stress test†and â€Å"hook test†in which fibula was pulled laterally after fixation of fracture using a bone hook and widening of syndesmosis was observed using image intensifier. Concomitant fr actures of fibula and medial malleolus were fixed according to standard AO principles. Ankle syndesmoses were stabilized with either â€Å"Transosseous Screw†or â€Å"Tightrope†depending on the consultants preference. All patients were immobilized in below knee plaster back slab for two weeks followed by non-weight bearing cast for another four weeks. Casts were removed in after six weeks time and patients were referred for physiotherapy and allowed full-weight bearing as tolerated. Patients were followed up in clinic at 2 weeks, 6 weeks and then after 3 months. Patients were finally reviewed in January 2011 for the collection of study data. Patients who consented for the research participationto this study underwent a clinical examination by an independent clinician who was blinded for the type of syndesmosis fixation. Two functional scoring systems were used to assess clinical outcome, including a clinician reported American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFA S) scoring system (78) and a patient reported Foot and Ankle Disability Index (FADI) score (79). Radiographic assessment included anterior-posterior radiograph of both the ankles together and an axial CT scan of both the ankles together at 1 cm above the tibial plafond. All the CT scans were performed by single, senior CT Radiographer using same specifications. All patients were scanned supine in the axial plane with no gantry tilt. Survey CT scan image was obtained first instead of scanning the whole ankle, to reduce the radiation dose. The area of ankle syndesmosis was scanned using single slice CT scan. The thickness of the CT slice was 3.8 mm and was centred at 12 mm from the tibial plafond as measured on the survey scan image. This sSingle slice scan provided two axial images, one at approximately 1 cm from the tibial plafond and other at 1.4 cm approx [Fig. 2.1]. This technique was adopted in order to reduce the radiation exposure to the patient without compromising th e quality of the scans and the axial images thus obtained correspond to the same level as used for the measurements on radiographs i.e. 1 cm above tibial plafond. 2.1. Outcome Variables The â€Å"accuracy of syndesmosis reduction†on axial CT scan was considered as primary outcome variable to compare the two different treatment options. The criterion for malreduction of syndesmosis was set at > 2 mm of difference in the width of syndesmosis as compared with the normal contralateral ankle when measured on the axial CT scan. The width of posterior part of syndesmosis joint space was measured for the purpose of this comparison as this measurement correspond to the tibiofibular clear space on AP radiographs. The criterion was set at 2 mm in accordance with previous literature (60) and the assumption that this difference will result in sufficient level of joint incongruity which may lead to increased contact pressures in ankle joint and the risk of early degenerative changes (21, 22). Elgafy et al (12) reported that the average width of syndesmosis posteriorly is 4 mm with standard deviation of 1.19 mm. As this area corresponds to the tibiofibular clear space on A P radiographs and > 6 mm of tibiofibular clear space is considered abnormal, the criterion of > 2 mm would be justified. Syndesmosis integrity was also assessed on AP radiographs of ankle, using parameters including â€Å"tibiofibular clear space (TFCS 6 mm)†and â€Å"medial clear space (MCS Clinical outcomes were assessed using two functional scores, time to full weight bearing and rate of complications. Functional scoring systems include American Orthopaedics Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score (appendix ii) which has been widely used in previous ankle studies. It is a clinician reported scoring system which looks at the pain, functional status, alignment and range of motion of foot and ankle. Foot and Ankle Disability Index (FADI) score (appendix iii) is a patient reported functional scoring system and looks at pain and various functional activities. Both the scores range from 0 to 100 with higher scores indicating better function. In the statistical analysis, factors considered potential confounders were patients age and the durationtime since surgery. These confounders were adjusted using regression analyses. 2.2. Data Collection and Measurements Demographic data of the patients and the data regarding the mechanism of injury, type of fractures and the type of fixation were extracted from patients clinical notes. Radiographic parameters of syndesmosis integrity were measured on preoperative and the latest AP ankle radiographs 1 cm proximal to the tibial plafond. The â€Å"tibiofibular clear space†is defined a Treatment of Ankle Syndesmosis Injuries Treatment of Ankle Syndesmosis Injuries Chapter No. 1 1. INTRODUCTION Injuries to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis are complex and remained controversial with regard to diagnosis and management. In United Kingdom, ankle fractures are the most common fracture among patients aged between 20 and 65 with the annual incidence reported as 90,000 (1). Twenty percent20% of ankle fractures requireing internal fixation (2), and or 10% of all ankle fractures are associated with syndesmosis disruption (3). Syndesmotic injuries have also been reported in the absence of fracture and sometime called as â€Å"high ankle sprain†with incidence reported somewhere between 1% and 11% of all ankle fractures or 0.5% of all ankle sprains (4-6). Despite the considerable tremendous amount of work load these injuries provide for orthopaedic surgeons, there is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment of these injuries, resulting and sometime results in under or over treatment of syndesmotic injuries, especially those without fibular fracture. It is therefore importa nt to understand the anatomy, biomechanics and the mechanism of injuries involving the tibiofibular syndesmosis. 1.1. Anatomy The inferior tibiofibular joint is a syndesmotic joint formed by two bones and four ligaments. The distal tibia and fibula form the osseous part of the syndesmosis held together by four ligaments providing stability that is integral for proper functioning of the ankle joint (6-8). These ligaments include the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL), the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL), the transverse tibiofibular ligament and the interosseous ligament. At the apex of syndesmosis, the interosseous border of tibia bifurcates caudally into an anterior and posterior margin. The anterior margin ends in the antero-lateral aspect of the tibial plafond called the anterior tubercle (Chaputs tubercle). The posterior margin ends in the posterolateral aspect of the tibial plafond called the posterior tubercle. The anterior and posterior margins of the distal tibia enclose a concave triangular notch called insisura fibularis, with its apex 6-8 cm above the level of the talocrural joint (9-11). The anterior tubercle is more prominent than the posterior tubercle and protrudes further laterally and overlaps the medial two thirds of the fibula (9-11). The fibular part of the syndesmosis is convex and matches with its tibial counterpart. The crista interossea fibularis, i.e. the ridge on the medial aspect of the fibula, also bifurcates into an anterior and posterior margin and forms a convex triangle that is located above the articular facet on the lateral malleolus. The base of the fibular triangle is formed by the anterior tubercle (Wagstaffe-Le Fort tubercle) and the, almost negligible, posterior tubercle (9). Shape of insisura fibularis varies among individual. Elgafy et al (12) described two main morphological patterns in their study of 100 normal ankle syndesmoses. In 67% the insisura was deep, giving the syndesmosis a crescent shape while in 33% it was shallow, giving the syndesmosis a rectangular shape (12). The anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament AITFL runs obliquely from anterior tubercle of distal tibia to anterior tubercle of fibula [Fig. 1.1]. AITFL consists of multifascicular bundle of fibers that run obliquely downwards and laterally and prevents excessive fibular movement and external talar rotation (13). The AITFL is the first ligament to fail in external rotation injuries (9). Posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament PITFL is a strong ligament. It originates from posterior tubercle of distal tibia and runs obliquely downwards and laterally to the posterior lateral malleolus (14) [Fig. 1.2]. PITFL works along with AITFL to hold the fibula tight in insisura fibularis of the tibia. The lower part of the PITFL runs more horizontally and is considered as a separate anatomical entity called transverse ligament. The transverse ligament is a thick, strong structure with twisting fibers. It passes from the posterior tibial margin to the posterior margin of malleolar fossa of distal fibula. The location of the transverse ligament below the posterior tibial margin creates a posterior labrum, which deepens the articular surface of the distal tibia and helps to prevent posterior talar translation [Fig. 1.2]. The interosseous tibiofibular ligament is a thickening of lower most part of interosseous membrane and consists of numerous short, strong, fibrous bands which pass between the contiguous rough triangular surfaces of the distal tibia and fibula and form the strongest connection between these bones, providing stability to talocrural joint during loading. The ligament is thought to act like a spring, allowing for slight separation between the medial and lateral malleolus during dorsiflexion at the ankle joint and thus for some wedging of the talus in the mortise (9). Ogilvie-Harris et al (15) studied the relative importance of each of the ligaments in the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis using 8 fresh-frozen cadaver specimens to evaluate the percentage of contribution of each ligament during 2 mm of lateral fibular displacement. The anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament provided 35%; the transverse ligament, 33%; the interosseous ligament, 22%; and the posterior inferior ligament, 9%. Thus, more than 90% of total resistance to lateral fibular displacement is provided by 3 major ligaments. Injury to one or more of them result in weakening, abnormal joint motion, and instability. 1.2. Biomechanics The primary movements at the ankle joint include dorsiflexion and planterflexion. The normal ankle allows approximately 15o to 20o of active dorsiflexion which may be increased to 40o passively and between 45o to 55o of plantar flexion (16). The superior surface of the talus is wedge shaped and wider anteriorly than posteriorly with an average difference of 4.2 mm (17). During dorsiflexion, the wider anterior portion of the talus ‘‘wedges between the medial and lateral malleoli, and much of the mortise becomes occupied (6). Up to 6o of talar external rotation occurs during ankle dorsiflexion and the talusit rotates internally and supinates slightly during plantar flexion, as a result of its conical and wedged shape (17-19). During normal ankle motion, some movement occurs normally at the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. Although ankle syndesmosis is a tightly held fibrous joint it allows 1 to 2 mm of widening at the mortise as the foot is moved from full plantar flexion t o full dorsiflexion. This widening of mortise occurs partly as a result of 3o to 5o of fibular rotation along its vertical axis during plantar flexion and dorsiflexion (6, 18, 20). When fixing ankle fractures, it is vital necessary to restore normal anatomic relations of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis, as slight discrepancy can lead to significant change in biomechanics and sub optimal long term results. Ramsey and Hamilton (21) demonstrated that as little as 1 mm of lateral shift of the talus in the ankle mortise resulted in a 40% loss of tibiotalar contact surface area and increase in contact stresses. Similar findings were also confirmed by another recent study by Lloyd et al (22) in 2006. Taser et al (23) showed using three-dimensional computed tomographic (CT) reconstructions that a 1 mm separation of the syndesmosis can lead to a 43% increase in joint space volume. 1.3. Mechanism of Injury The 3 proposed mechanisms of ankle syndesmotic injury include external rotation of the foot, eversion of the talus and hyper dorsiflexion (6, 24). External rotation injuries result in widening of the mortise as the talus is forcefully driven into external rotation within the mortise. Forceful eversion of the talus also results in widening of the mortise. These mechanisms are most common in sports like football and skiing. Hyperdorsiflexion injuries are seen in jumping sports and also result in widening of mortise when wider anterior part of the talus dome is forcefully driven into the joint space. In all cases, the fibula is pushed laterally and if the forces are strong enough, leads to diastasis of ankle syndesmosis (24-30). Lauge-Hansen (31) classified the ankle fractures according to the mechanism of injuries. This classification system was based on cadaveric study and takes into account the position of foot at the time of injury and the deforming force. According to this syndesmotic disruption most commonly occurs in â€Å"Pronation-External Rotation†(PER) injuries. Depending on the severity of the force applied, this abnormal movement will result in rupture the deltoid ligament or fracture the medial malleolus in its first stage, with subsequent injury to the syndesmotic ligaments and the interosseous membrane, and finally a spiral fracture of the fibula above the level of syndesmosis (31, 32). Most of the complete syndesmotic disruptions are associated with Weber C fracture with smaller proportion having Weber B fracture with widening of the mortise and, occasionally, a Maissonneuve fracture (33). Syndesmotic diastesis rarely occurs in isolation without bone injury and poses a diagnostic cha llenge. These injuries are sometime referred as â€Å"high syndesmotic sprain†(4, 27, 34). 1.4. Diagnosis Diagnosis of syndesmotic injury can sometime be challenging and depends on high index of suspicion, taking into consideration, the mechanism of injury and the clinical findings and confirming with radiological assessment or examination under anaesthesia. Several clinical tests have been described in literature but lack high predictive value in acute cases as it might be difficult to perform these tests because of excessive pain in acute situations. Some examples of these tests include Squeeze test (34), Point test (35), External rotation test (32, 35) and Fibular translation test (32, 36). Radiographs are important in diagnosis of tibiofibular syndesmotic diastasis. Three radiographic parameters have been described based on anterior-posterior and mortise views but controversy exist among researchers with regard to the optimal parameter for accurate diagnosis. The â€Å"tibiofibular clear space†is defined as the distance between the lateral border of the posterior tubercle and the medial border of the fibula. The â€Å"tibiofibular overlap†is the distance between the medial border of the fibula and the lateral border of the anterior distal tibial tubercle and the â€Å"medial clear space†is the distance between the articular surface of medial malleolus and the adjacent surface of talus (32, 37). Harper et al (38) radiographically evaluated normal tibiofibular relationship in 12 cadaver lower limbs and based on a 95% confidence interval, demonstrated following criteria as consistent with a normal tibiofibular relationship: (1) a tibiofibular clear space on the anterior-posterior and mortise views of less than approximately 6 mm; (2) tibiofibular overlap on the anterior-posterior view of greater than approximately 6 mm or 42% of fibular width; (3) tibiofibular overlap on the mortise view of greater than approximately 1 mm. The study concluded that the width of the tibiofibular clear space on both anterior-posterior and mortise views appeared to be the most reliable parameter for detecting early syndesmotic widening and medial clear space greater than a superior clear space is indicative of deltoid ligament injury (38). The accuracy of these measurements has been questioned in several studies. Beumer et al (39) demonstrated that these measurements are greatly influenced by the positioning of ankle while taking radiographs. Similar findings were confirmed by Nelson et al (40) and Pneumaticos et al (41) except that the later study reported that the tibiofibular clear space did not change significantly by rotation of ankle (41). CT and MRI scanning are more sensitive than radiography for detecting minor degrees of syndesmotic injury and provide an important diagnostic tool in suspicious cases (7, 42). 1.5. Treatment of Syndesmosis diastasis and review of literature Injuries to distal tibio-fibular syndesmosis are complex and require accurate reduction and fixation for optimal outcome (43, 44) but the choice of fixation still remained controversial. Kenneth et al (45) studied the effect of syndesmotic stabilization on the outcome of ankle fractures in 347 patients at a minimum follow up of 1 year and concluded that patients requiring syndesmotic stabilization in addition to the malleolar fixation had poorer outcome as compared to patients requiring only malleolar fixation. Although, the use of metal screw has been the most popular means of stabilizing the syndesmosis (32), controversy exists with regard to the size and number of screw, number of cortices engaged, level of screw placement above the tibial plafond, need for routine removal and the timing of the screw removal (46-48). Beumer et al (49) in their cadaveric study, reported no difference in fixation of the syndesmosis when stainless steel screws were compared to titanium screws through three or four cortices. Hoiness et al (46) conducted a randomised prospective trial comparing single 4.5 mm quadricortical screw with two 3.5mm tricortical screws for ankle syndesmosis injuries in 64 patients. The study showed improvement in early function in the tricortical group, but after one year there was no significant difference between the groups in their functional score, pain or dorsiflexion (46). Further report on the same study group with 8.4 years average follow up did not show any significant diff erence in clinical outcome (50). Moore et al (51) also reported similar functional outcome with either three or four cortical fixation using 3.5 mm screws with slightly higher trend toward loss of reduction in tricortical group. Although there is no clinical consensus regarding number and size of the screws, biomechanical studies have shown that two screws are mechanically superior to single screw (52). There is no significant difference between 3.5 mm and 4.5 mm syndesmosis screw when used as tricortical screw (48) but when used as quadricortical screw 4.5 mm screw showed higher resistance to shear stress than 3.5 mm screw (53). Routine removal of syndesmosis screw is another controversial issue. Some authors advocate routine removal before starting full weight bearing as screw provides rigid fixation of syndesmosis where micromotion occurs normally and can therefore lead to screw loosening or fatigue failure (54-57). Miller et al (58) demonstrated improved clinical outcomes follow ing syndesmosis screw removal in a series of 25 patients. Manjoo et al (59) retrospectively reviewed 106 patients treated with syndesmosis screw. Seventy-six returned for follow up. The study concluded that intact screw was associated with a worse functional outcome as compared with loose, broken or removed screws. However there were no differences in functional outcomes comparing lose or broken screws with removed screws (59). Both these studies had inherent limitations including of retrospective studies study design and lack of a the control group. Malreduction of tibiofibular syndesmosis has been reported as a significant problem with screw fixation and is an independent predictor of functional outcome (44). Gardner et al (60) reported 52% of malreduction of syndesmosis in weber C fractures treated with screw fixation. Bioabsorbable screws haves also been used as an alternative to metal screws to avoid hardware related complications and haves demonstrated equal effectiveness in fixation of diastesis (61-63). However, these implants did not gain popularity because of concerns including osteolysis, foreign-body reaction, late inflammatory reaction and osteoarthritis due to polymer debris entering the joint (64-67). The Arthrex Tightrope is a relatively new surgical implant based on the suture endobutton design. It is a low profile system comprised of a No. 5 FiberWire ® loop which, tensioned and secured between metallic buttons placed against the outer cortices of the tibia and fibula, provides physiologic stabilization of the ankle mortise and obviates the need for a second procedure for removal, therefore late diastasis is unlikely (68). Biomechanical testing and clinical trials have shown equivalent strength and improved patient outcome with the tightrope technique (69, 70). In 2005 Thornes et al (71) performed a clinical and radiological comparison of 16 patients treated with suture-button techniques with similarand a similar cohort of patients treated with syndesmosis screw fixation. Patients in suture button group demonstrated significantly better American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score and returned to work earlier than screw group. As with any novel technique, the fol low-up reported in the literature is short and the number of cases are limited [Table 1]. The largest case series so far, has reported the outcome in 25 cases patients (72, 73). Although initial series did not report any complications, some cases of implant removal have been reported in more recent literature because of soft tissue irritation. In a series of 16 patients, two tightropes were removed, one due to infection, and the other due to soft-tissue irritation (74). Willmott et al (75) reported 2 cases of tightrope removal because of soft tissue inflammation, out of 6 patients treated with ankle tightrope (33%). One of them was removed because of inflammation over medial button. Coetzee et al (76) in their results of a prospective randomized clinical trial also reported removal of one tightrope because of infection, out of 12 cases. In a most recent series of 24 cases DeGroot et al (77) reported removal of hardware in 6 patients due to soft tissue complication. They also reporte d subsidence of endo-button due to osteolysis in adjacent bone in 4 cases but did not have any effect on clinical outcome as it was a late occurrence. There were also 3 cases of heterotopic bone formation in this series. Despite satisfactory short term clinical outcomes, few complications have also been reported related to soft tissue irritation and also there is a concern that tightrope might be inferior to screw in maintaining the syndesmosis. So far, the literature is limited with regard to tightrope fixation and the issue of malreduction has not been properly investigated. Radiological measurements in most of the studies are performed on radiographs. It has been previously noted that radiographic measurements are influenced by the rotation of ankle and therefore not accurate. Thornes et al performed axial CT scan on 11 of 16 patients treated with tightrope at 3 months and did not find any malreduction (71). CT scans were performed only after 3 month of surgery and none of the patient in control group had a CT scan and therefore undermines the significance of this part of their study. Significant malreduction of tibiofibular syndesmosis has been reported in literature for patients treated with syn desmosis screw (50, 60). As malreduction of syndesmosis is the most important independent predictor of long term functional outcome we aim to fill the gap in literature regarding tightropes ability to maintain syndesmosis integrity in longer term. 1.6. Aims and Objective The primary A aim of this study is to compare the accuracy and maintenance of syndesmotic reduction using tightrope technique and syndesmosis screw fixation and their consequences on clinical outcome. Population (P) Adult patients with acute fixation of ankle syndesmosis. Intervention (I ) Tightrope fixation of ankle syndesmosis. Comparison (C) Syndesmosis screw fixation. Outcome (O) Accuracy of syndesmotic reduction, based on axial CT scan. Chapter No. 2 2. PATIENTS AND METHODS We conducted a cohort study to assess the radiological and clinical outcomes of patients after treatment of ankle injuries involving distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. Two different methods of syndesmosis fixation were compared (standard transosseous syndesmosis screw fixation and a relatively new, Tightrope fixation technique) for the accuracy and maintenance of syndesmosis reduction and its correlation with the functional outcome scores after at least 18 months following the index procedure. The accuracy of syndesmosis reduction was measured primarily on axial Computed Tomographic (CT) scans and anterio-posterior (AP) radiographs of ankles using uninjured contralateral ankle as a control. The study was conducted in department of Trauma and Orthopaedics and the department of Radiology in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, Republic of Ireland after approval by the Institutional Review Board (appendix i). The patients were recruited using trauma theatre database. The data regarding all patients treated for ankle injuries was reviewed. The inclusion criteria were as follows: adults (> 18 years) with acute ankle syndesmosis injury willing to give informed consent to participate in the study , fixation of the injuryed over a 2 years period from July 2007 to June 2009 provided they did not fit into the exclusion criteria. The exclusion criteria set out for this study included: P patients with open fracture, I i ndividuals with diabet es ic or neuropathic arthropathy, M multi trauma patients and P patients who had a previous injury or surgery on the contra-lateral ankle as those could not be used as a control. Pregnancy was included in exclusion criteria B because of radiation exposure in this study. â€Å"pregnancy†was also mentioned as exclusion criteria. i I ndividuals unwilling to consent to the study Patients were treated by six Orthopaedic consultants in a single trauma unit using two different techniques for syndesmosis fixation including traditional screw and tightrope fixation technique. Three consultants used screw fixation while the other three consultants used tightrope technique for all of their patients requiring syndesmosis fixation irrespective of age, sex and the type of associated fractures. The diagnosis of tibiofibular diastasis was based on careful clinical examination, consideration of the fracture pattern and radiographic parameters including widening of medial clear space (MCS), increased tibiofibular clear space (TFCS) and reduced tibio-fibular overlap (TFOL) preoperatively; and intraoperative confirmation under fluoroscopy using â€Å"external rotation stress test†and â€Å"hook test†in which fibula was pulled laterally after fixation of fracture using a bone hook and widening of syndesmosis was observed using image intensifier. Concomitant fr actures of fibula and medial malleolus were fixed according to standard AO principles. Ankle syndesmoses were stabilized with either â€Å"Transosseous Screw†or â€Å"Tightrope†depending on the consultants preference. All patients were immobilized in below knee plaster back slab for two weeks followed by non-weight bearing cast for another four weeks. Casts were removed in after six weeks time and patients were referred for physiotherapy and allowed full-weight bearing as tolerated. Patients were followed up in clinic at 2 weeks, 6 weeks and then after 3 months. Patients were finally reviewed in January 2011 for the collection of study data. Patients who consented for the research participationto this study underwent a clinical examination by an independent clinician who was blinded for the type of syndesmosis fixation. Two functional scoring systems were used to assess clinical outcome, including a clinician reported American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFA S) scoring system (78) and a patient reported Foot and Ankle Disability Index (FADI) score (79). Radiographic assessment included anterior-posterior radiograph of both the ankles together and an axial CT scan of both the ankles together at 1 cm above the tibial plafond. All the CT scans were performed by single, senior CT Radiographer using same specifications. All patients were scanned supine in the axial plane with no gantry tilt. Survey CT scan image was obtained first instead of scanning the whole ankle, to reduce the radiation dose. The area of ankle syndesmosis was scanned using single slice CT scan. The thickness of the CT slice was 3.8 mm and was centred at 12 mm from the tibial plafond as measured on the survey scan image. This sSingle slice scan provided two axial images, one at approximately 1 cm from the tibial plafond and other at 1.4 cm approx [Fig. 2.1]. This technique was adopted in order to reduce the radiation exposure to the patient without compromising th e quality of the scans and the axial images thus obtained correspond to the same level as used for the measurements on radiographs i.e. 1 cm above tibial plafond. 2.1. Outcome Variables The â€Å"accuracy of syndesmosis reduction†on axial CT scan was considered as primary outcome variable to compare the two different treatment options. The criterion for malreduction of syndesmosis was set at > 2 mm of difference in the width of syndesmosis as compared with the normal contralateral ankle when measured on the axial CT scan. The width of posterior part of syndesmosis joint space was measured for the purpose of this comparison as this measurement correspond to the tibiofibular clear space on AP radiographs. The criterion was set at 2 mm in accordance with previous literature (60) and the assumption that this difference will result in sufficient level of joint incongruity which may lead to increased contact pressures in ankle joint and the risk of early degenerative changes (21, 22). Elgafy et al (12) reported that the average width of syndesmosis posteriorly is 4 mm with standard deviation of 1.19 mm. As this area corresponds to the tibiofibular clear space on A P radiographs and > 6 mm of tibiofibular clear space is considered abnormal, the criterion of > 2 mm would be justified. Syndesmosis integrity was also assessed on AP radiographs of ankle, using parameters including â€Å"tibiofibular clear space (TFCS 6 mm)†and â€Å"medial clear space (MCS Clinical outcomes were assessed using two functional scores, time to full weight bearing and rate of complications. Functional scoring systems include American Orthopaedics Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score (appendix ii) which has been widely used in previous ankle studies. It is a clinician reported scoring system which looks at the pain, functional status, alignment and range of motion of foot and ankle. Foot and Ankle Disability Index (FADI) score (appendix iii) is a patient reported functional scoring system and looks at pain and various functional activities. Both the scores range from 0 to 100 with higher scores indicating better function. In the statistical analysis, factors considered potential confounders were patients age and the durationtime since surgery. These confounders were adjusted using regression analyses. 2.2. Data Collection and Measurements Demographic data of the patients and the data regarding the mechanism of injury, type of fractures and the type of fixation were extracted from patients clinical notes. Radiographic parameters of syndesmosis integrity were measured on preoperative and the latest AP ankle radiographs 1 cm proximal to the tibial plafond. The â€Å"tibiofibular clear space†is defined a
Friday, October 25, 2019
Stephen Hawking :: essays research papers
Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England. His father, Frank, was a specialist in tropical medicine, his profession often kept him away from home and family. Hawking’s mother, Isabelle, was a very politically active person, which kept her away from home too. Even though his parents were gone a lot, they had a big influence on his life. Hawking always wanted to study mathematics and physics, but his Dad said that mathematics did not have many job opportunities. He ended up majoring in physics and chemistry. Another reason he did not take mathematics was because it was not available at Oxford University, his local college. When he was growing up, he was a â€Å"self-learner†. His friends did not know how smart he was until his second year of college. He and his friends were assigned thirteen honors questions in the area of electricity and magnetism. It took his friends, Derek, Gordan, and Richard, a week to complete two and a half of the problems. Ha wking did the first ten in three hours, he did not complete the others because he said he did not have enough time. Once, in college, he fell down a flight of stairs. After he fell down, he could not remember anything, gradually he began remembering, until he remembered it all, which took all of two hours. Stephen Hawking graduated from Oxford University at the age of twenty in 1962. He then took a trip to Prussia with a friend. During the visit, he became ill. Upon returning to England, he had a series of tests to identify his health problem. He moved to Cambridge to attend graduate school, which is where he learned that he had Lou Gehrig’s disease. This disease destroys the voluntary muscles, making normal tasks become impossible, such as walking and eating. Doctors predicted that he had to and a half years to live. He became depressed at stopped working and going to school. During this time, he met his future wife, Jane Wilde. They had three children: Robert (1967), Lucy ( 1970), and Timothy (1979). Meeting Jane, lifted Hawking’s spirits so much that he disregarded his illness, returned to work and school. He did research at Caisus College and studied theoretical physics. He did this partly because he found elementary particles unattractive and he wanted to study with Fred Hoyle, who was a British astronomer and also a science fiction novelist.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Monetary Policy vs. Fiscal Policy Essay
People always struggled with an idea of prosperity and success, whether it was a personal goal or whether it was something major – like wealth of a country. Nowadays, we are studying a science, which is really significant and valuable – Economics. Economics is a tool for achieving those goals, knowledge that people can use and imply in real life, and at the present time probably undividable part of governments’ performances around the world. For us, students, there are two different matters we study – Macroeconomics, the study of the performance of national economies and Microeconomics, which focuses on the behavior of individual households, firms, and markets. During the fall quarter of 2001, I was exposed to the basic ideas and uses of the Macroeconomics. Macroeconomics policies – government actions to improve the performance of the economy – are of particular concern to macroeconomists, as the quality of macroeconomic policymaking as a major determinant of a nation’s economic health. Monetary and Fiscal policies are two policies that we were concentrated on, and were the most significant part of the course for me. There is too much involved in these policies and they interact with each other consistently. I decided to write this paper, summarizing the basic functions of two policies, tried to explain what it is that makes them work, how effective these two policies can be, and how one relates to another. In looking at the effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal policies, it must be understood how the two relate to each other within the government structure. The Federal Open Market Committee – FOMC – is the most important monetary policy-making body of the Federal Reserve System. It is responsible for the formulation of a policy designed to promote economic growth, full employment, stable prices, and a sustainable pattern of international trade and payments. The seven Board members constitute a majority of the 12-member Federal Open Market Committee, the group that makes the key decisions affecting the cost and availability of money and credit in the economy. The other five members of the FOMC are Reserve Bank presidents, one of who is the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Board sets reserve requirements and shares the responsibility with the Reserve Banks for discount rate policy. The FOMC is the policy arm of the Fed and the tasks of the Federal Re serve are to supervise banks, fixing maximum rates of interests. The U.S Treasury, though it aids in much of the monetary management, represents the fiscal sector, which is the U.S Congress. Fiscal policy covers, such areas as taxation and other revenue gathering and spending measures. Fiscal policies are those actions that are enacted by the Legislative Branch of the U.S government, the Congress. Their fiscal policies are enacted through the U.S Treasury. Therefore, the Treasury is the arm of fiscal policy and the Federal Reserve is the arm of monetary policy. For example, even if Congress has allocated some amount of money to take over failing banks and savings and loans, and it is not enough, than the Fed can pump capital into the system by buying bank stocks. So, this is example of how the Fed interacts and influences the ups and downs of the economy. In looking at the relationship between the Fed and The Treasury, essentially, the Fed was set up to provide the U.S Treasury with a more satisfactory fiscal agent. In acting as the fiscal agent for the U.S Treasury, or more specifically, as the primary banker for the federal government, the Fed acts as Financial advisor, depository and receiving agent, agent for issuing and retiring treasury securities, agent for other transactions involving purchases and sales of securities for Treasury account, agent for the government in purchasing and gold and foreign exchange, and lender to the Treasury. The Treasury influences monetary and credit conditions as well, through its revenue and expenditure policies, its debt management policies relative to the size and location of its money balance, and so on. As an instrument of monetary management, the Treasury keeps its money balance in cash in the vaults as Treasury deposits at the Federal Reserve, and Treasury deposits at commercial banks. Owing to the degree of Treasury operations, these policies have marked effect on monetary and credit conditions, especially over periods. Ordinarily, the Treasury does not use these powers for intentional and continuous monetary management; this is primarily the function of the Federal Reserve. However, it does try to use its powers in such a way as to avoid creating serious problems for the Federal Reserve, and on occasion, it uses them intentionally to supplement Federal Reserve policies. The following is an example of how this occurs. The Treasury can implement restrictive actions. For example, the Treasury increases it money balance $1 billion by taxing the public or selling securities to the public. When the Treasury cashes the checks, the public loses $1 billion of its deposits. If the Treasury holds these deposits at commercial banks, this is the extent of the effect; the reserve positions of the banks are unaffected. But if the Treasury uses the $1 billion to build up its cash in vault or its deposits at the Federal Reserve, member banks reserves will be reduced by $1 billion. Basically, if we find an increase in the Treasury’s money balance, this tends to be restrictive unless the Treasury acquires the extra money by borrowing from the Federal Reserve. If it acquires the money balance by taxing the public or selling securities to it, the public’s money supply is directly decreased. If it acquires money by selling securities to commercial banks, the public’s money supply is not directly decrease, but the ability of the banks to create deposits for the public is reduced because they must use some their reserves to support the Treasury deposit. However, given the size of any increase in the Treasury’s balance, the degree of restrictiveness depends on the form in which it is held. On the other hand, the Treasury can affect monetary policy, by easing restrictions as well. Sometimes the Treasury utilizes liberalizing actions in a positive way to ease credit to supplement Federal Reserve actions. More often, however, it uses them to a void creating conditions that would make the job of the Federal Reserve more difficult. Given, this information, we can see what the relationship is between the Federal Reserve and the U.S Treasury. They often complement each other and balance each other out. However, the prime job of the Federal Reserve is to act as the federal government bank, as well as regulating monetary policy, credit regulations, and supervising function of member banks. The U.S Treasury is the element of the government, which collects money from the public, either through the sale of securities or through taxation. The U.S Treasury is that arm of the government, which provides the government with money it needs to operate, which of course is part of fiscal policy operations. The Fed is the bank that the Treasury uses for its banking needs, to be it in the most simplistic terms. *** We were all shocked by tragedy that happened on September 11, 2001. There was a tremendous impact on the entire world by that event. People were heavily affected emotionally same as financially. Many lives were taken by the coward act of those who responsible for such disaster. The US faced a number of consequences followed by many bumps on its way to the future. Unbelievable economic downturn made all sectors of the economy to suffer this impact and force them to make decisions, which they probably didn’t thought of. Because Fiscal and Monetary Policy have a straight connection to the several actions taken by the government to stimulate weakened economy, I decided to cover what is going on right now within government structure and briefly explain what people should expect from policymakers, who are doing their best to respond to these obstacles, which we are facing right now, as quick as possible. Considering that today’s U.S. economy is already in mild recession and many indicators show it might face the most severe economic downturn since 1970s of the last century, President Bush and his administration called for additional stimulus package for fiscal 2002. Policymakers in Washington are considering a number of actions that could stimulate the economy. Among them the options being considering are tax cuts that could spur consumption or investment, and additional federal spending that could directly increase economic activity. Republicans are the majorities in the House of Representatives and Democrats, who control the Senate, have very different and opposite visions about ways to stimulate the U.S. economy. Republicans consider that economic growth is generated through investments by businesses, which encouraged by cuts in taxes and tax rates. Democrats support the proposal that stimulates consumer spending such as through tax rebates for low-income, extensions of unemployment insurance, and government spending to promote construction and other infrastructure. A several weeks ago, the House Ways and Means Committee have passed a $100 billion economic stimulus package main part of which – 85% – for permanent tax cuts, mostly for corporate tax cuts. The major components of this plan are: Elimination of the corporate alternative minimum taxes and refunds AMT credits. This is a most controversial point of the House Republicans proposal. The minimum tax was designed to make profitable companies to pay a basic amount even if they owe no corporate income tax because of some deductions. Democrats support the fairness of this tax cut but disagree with its retroactive method because although these refunds would effectively reduce the tax rate on corporate income but those compensations for the previous investment, not new investment. Permit 30% immediate expensing write-off for purchase of capital assets over the next three years. Reduce the maximum tax rate on long-term capital gain from 20% to 18%. Deductions of net losses from taxes paid up to five years earlier. Republicans argue that all these corporate tax cuts are necessary to encourage businesses to invest more into new capital because businesses would have more income or retained earnings. And as a result it would spur the economy. Democrats disagree. They tell that businesses would not necessary to invest; some of any tax cuts will be saved or businesses can simply to pay down their debts or to spend them for dividends to their stockholders and maybe only small part would go into new investment. Permanent cut in the former 28% tax cut rate to 25% would be accelerated to 2002. Democrats argue that this tax cut would be more effective if it will be temporary rather than permanent tax cut because this acceleration significantly shorten government revenue in later years and in the long run the government can’t afford these rates cuts. Moreover, most of the tax relief would benefit only the top one-quarter of all income tax filers, who are likely to save more and spend less from tax cuts than those who have lower incomes and tend to spend whatever extra income they have. That is why Democrats support the proposal to send additional tax rebates for low-income workers, because the more rebate is spend the more effective it is as a stimulus. Democrats want to freeze marginal tax reduction in previous 39.6 bracket to 38.6% rather to decline it. It would save roughly $100 billion between 2002 and 2011. Democrats have proposed a smaller package with far fewer and temporary tax cuts and significantly more new spending – 75% of the stimulus plan. They support the ways that spur consumer spending that has kept the economy afloat such as through tax rebates for lower income workers, expansions of unemployment insurance and government spending for construction and other infrastructure. For instance, temporary changes in the unemployment insurance program or any additional benefits provided would likely be spent and go directly to output. Public capital investments involve direct government purchases of goods and services and therefore directly add demand into economy.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Predatory pricing of petrol Essay
Supermarket price wars are putting Britain’s small petrol stations out of business at the rate of one a day. Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Asda and Morrisons have this year embarked on a war to attract hard-hit consumers and the price of fuel has been central to their campaign. Morrisons is offering loyalty points on its new fuel card while Asda has launched a price comparison app for mobile phones to convince shoppers it has the cheapest fuel. Both Sainsbury’s and Tesco have offered money-off vouchers for petrol customers. The Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMI), a trade association representing the interests of 6 000 small petrol stations, is hoping the OFT inquiry will support its members, who believe that unfair and predatory pricing by the supermarkets and some major oil companies is making it impossible for them to compete. There are now about 8 000 small petrol retailers compared with 21 000 two decades ago and 40 000 in 1966. It predicts that in five years there will be very few independent petrol retailers left. The OFT inquiry comes at a time when the supermarkets have proved particularly effective at building up a huge stake in the petrol market. With the recession dragging on, households are keen to save even one or two pence a litre, particularly those families whose livelihoods depend on the use of a car. Between June 2007 and June 2012 – a period that saw considerable crude oil price volatility – the price of petrol rose by 38% while diesel rose by 45%. In 2011, supermarkets accounted for 45% of total fuel sales from just 1 316 sites compared with 37.4 % in 2010. The OFT said the fuel market for Britain’s 33 million motorists is worth around  £32 billion a year, and accounts for 5p in every  £1 of household expenditure. But many have also blamed the Government and increases in fuel tax for soaring petrol prices. It takes 60% of the price of every litre of petrol in tax – the highest rate in Europe.
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